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About AlanM

  • Birthday 10/26/1971

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    Gaithersburg, MD

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Oracle Reefer

Oracle Reefer (12/13)

  1. yeah, what Kathryn said is correct. You need a gate valve where the main drain pipe enters the sump and the pipe beyond that valve should extend below the surface of the sump water only a little bit to allow all of the air to get out of the line when the pump starts up. Ball valve is easier to get at Lowes or Home Depot, but you won't like trying to slightly adjust it to get the water level in the external box correct.
  2. my first guess would be that the GFO has fine particles and is escaping the reactor and getting pulled out into the skimmate. Second guess (less likely) would be that the GFO has reduced your nutrients enough that now the only micro-fauna that can survive is dinoflagellates and that's what the orange/brown color filling your skimmate is, but I doubt that is the answer because you can see the same color in your reactor. Do you see any signs of brown slime during the bright part of the photo period?
  3. I'm getting ready to plumb in a kalk stirrer myself. I'll put it on my DOS and may use the other channel of the DOS for Mg or other supplements. Or maybe still dose extra alk with the other channel since alk is used for other things than just making calcium carbonate...
  4. I don't think you need to divide it manually like that. Just put in the total amount over your 23 hours and the DOS will figure it out.
  5. On desktop browser I typically can upload whatever I want and the forum software resizes them upon upload. I have only very rarely tried to post anything on phone and never one with photos. Maybe the tapatalk interface would work better for image uploads from phone?
  6. For reference, I am on the current firmware of Apex in March 2024. This just happened again today after the time change.
  7. Next meeting in North Bethesda is Colin Foord from Coral Morphologic. The one after that should be Joe.
  8. I'm interested in the fish system and all the work you do with the fish vet doing diagnosis as well.
  9. Man, that is awesome Paul. Showing the family the video.
  10. New donation: 2 issue trial to the new Coral Magazine by Aquatic Media Press! Four chances to win. $20 value each
  11. Bump for more raffle prizes: $50 Gift Certificate for Livestock (2 chances to win!) from Blue Ribbon Koi Thanks Johnny!
  12. Craig, are Phil and Dave still on board for this? It would be in 2 weeks.
  13. Our speaker for this meeting has changed! Joe has a medical emergency that makes him unable to be with us this Saturday, but we will still have a speaker at the meeting. We have been wanting to have Jim Graham @telegraham on WAMAS speak to the club for a while, and he was available to speak to us this Saturday. His bio has been updated in the top post. His topic will be "Backup Power and Disaster Preparedness" which is very relevant to everyone in the club. I'm excited to hear from him and to get lots of great ideas. He's inventive and has fun YouTube and Instagram channels with a bunch of examples of ways to take some of the risk out of your reefkeeping on a budget.
  14. Good grief. This is too bad. I guess it must be velvet, but no outward signs on the fish is really troubling. Maybe someone who knows more about fish disease possibilities can chime in here. I'd think the tang would be first to go, not the others.
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