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Swallowtails and Watanabe Angels


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I am looking for those that have either pair of angels to share their experience with me. Over the past six months I have had a pair of each; the Watanabes I ordered from The Marine Center and the Swallowtails I bought from Roozens. Both hid for the first two days then swam out in the open and ate well; both never bothered or were bothered (that I saw) by other fish; both swam in and out of rocks and explored the entire tank. Both stopped eating in the third week and died shortly there after.


I have read up on them and have seen conflicting articles. Some say they are hard to get to eat, especially the Watanabes. Other say they are among the easiest Angels to keep. I would love to try again but don't want to just kill them if I am doing something wrong. The Watanabes went in my 360, the Swallowtails in a 40 gallon QT that I set up just for them. The Watanabes were good sized (the male was 4" or 5" the female 3" or 4"), the Swallowtails were a little smaller. Is it a coincidence that both went through the same process in the same length of time?


Can those of you that have them share what your experience has been?



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I had a pair of the blackspot swallowtails. Genicanthus Melanospilus. They hid and didn't eat for about a week but once they stared eating they were fine. After about 1 year in captivity the male lost all of his striping and looked identical to the female. After about 2 years the female jumped out of the tank. After many attempts to get another one in the tank with no luck I gave up on them. About 3 weeks ago I moved the male to a new house and during the process the bag he was in sprung a leak and was DOA once he arrive to the new tank. I have no personal experience with Wantanabie but I do have a pair of Genicantus Bellus. These fish seem to eat PE MYSIS right out of the bag and not hide at all. The female I've had for about 3 years and the male only a short time. My original male lived for 18 months until one day I came home from work and he was dead. No signs of anything. Time will tell what will happen with this new male.




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Odd but interesting experience, thank you George. Maybe they are simply too unpredictable. In all my reading I never came across anything labelling them as jumpers.


I am still interested in seeing if we can match our schedule so I can come to see your tanks. One of these days....

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I too never knew they were jumpers but she did jump. I actually had my first female Bellus jump out the same night I got her. Luckily I got another one the next day.


I recently moved so all my tanks are gone but 3. That's al I have set up at the new house. We can hook up anytime, just let me know in advance.




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