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Maxspect vs IA prime


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Guys I'm building a nano tank about 15 gallons 19x19 cube. Wanted your opinion on which one would be best? I friend is selling me q gently used max spect the single one for 100 dollars and I know the AI prime is 200 new. I am in a budget but I know lighting is important so in willing to pay the 200 for IA if it's worth it. 61efba75d427484a06584568353a2bcc.jpg9853e8e2b515ab58306f9e0331e7b3f9.jpg



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You will find mixed opinions on both. I know folks that love the maxspect, and I know folks that love the Primes. FWIW, I've been most impressed with the tanks under the AI fixtures, but there are a lot more variables to that than just the lighting. I think either one will do the job for you, and I bet you will find that keeping stable water params will be more beneficial than the difference between either of those two lights. 

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They're both really nice.  AI Prime is really cool with Wifi and the nice mount.  However, on a budget a 100 dollar used nano Maxspect Razor would great and should be simple to resell at that point if you end up with some extra money to get a different light.

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