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Revive Bath for all LR and Coral


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i found a few red bugs on one of my oldest live rock and the tri color valida on it...

the bugs were walking on the rocks not on the coral body...i think they were red bugs...


i looked around on all my other rocks and coral and didn't see any such activity...


it looked isolated to this rock in one corner...and i read that they aren't considered super bad or anything..but i decided to dip everything in revive for 15 min and reintroduce after couple more quick dips in regular saltwater following that....to remove most of the remnants of the revive solution that would have soaked into the lr


i saw a lot of die off of copepods...i know my mandarin aint gonna be happy...but that should replenish from the sump over time anyway...


so by the end of this i only had sand left in my display and now after this its all back in...


what should i be on the lookout for ?...ammonia spike ?


so far everything looks happy...my skimmer has gone nuts

Edited by Fishie
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You have guts. I would have lived with the bugs or thought about it forever. Good luck. No idea what will happen, though.

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I recently had red bugs and treated my entire system. I lost a few shrimp and it wiped out my pod population, but other than that everything did well. 


Good luck. 

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You have guts. I would have lived with the bugs or thought about it forever. Good luck. No idea what will happen, though.


my total LR count has been low...and i wanted to do this before my new frags take off..i have been doing qt and dips on new things...but some of my stuff goes back to years ago ...when i was more of a clueless beginner...so just making sure that nothing bad propagates


if figured with the small LR count...if there is die off...it shouldn't trigger too bad of a spike...just obervering for now...

fish seem happy...pe on most of the corals already...


i had done water change this past weekend and now another change with all this

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I recently had red bugs and treated my entire system. I lost a few shrimp and it wiped out my pod population, but other than that everything did well. 


Good luck. 


cool ..did u go interceptor or do dips...


also how long before ur skimmer became normal again...mine is just overflowing

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  • 2 months later...

i have an update on this


the revive bath didn't really wipe them out cause they were probably still there elsewhere in the system like my sump /sand bed etc...they did come back on a few frags again


so I went ahead and got interceptor spectrum large tablet from canadapetcare with the intention of treating the entire display


this is what I did. Its very EASY

1) mashed up half a tablet to treat about 150Gallons of water

2) mix in warm ro/di water

3) removed shrimp and as many hermits i cud see (i don't plan to bring the hermits back though due to small chance of reintroduction)

4) turn off UV

5) remove GAC

6) disconnect air line for skimmer (water still needs to run through it).

7) at night i added the mixture in

8) waited 12 hours and introduced GAC

9) turned on skimmer

10 ) did water change of 20gallons not much really

11) checked for Bugs ...they were ALL GONE huzzah!


I checked again at night to see how some corals were reacting and i saw PE on my pearl berry for the first time...i guess the bugs annoyed it before and it did not open


I am not done yet though i will be doing another treatment 7 days later and then a third (just an extra precautionary treatment ) another 7 days after the 2nd treatment


all the fish are absolutely OK....the corals are better or not impacted at all.

Edited by Fishie
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The corals will enjoy the interceptor, the inverts, not so much. I'm glad you've changed your route. Revive is not an appropriate solution to red bugs, IMO.

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