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Can I add anything else to my tank?


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I have a biocube29..stock list as of now is 2 cromies..2 perc clowns..yellow goby.. Cleaner shrimp emerald crab and a small clean up crew..

I want to add a mandrin goby because I've noticed a lot of white bugs crawling around the rock..(copepods and amphipods) which I assume that's what they are and I've been told they are a good way to keep these bugs in check..any thoughts from anyone out there if this is a good idea or any other idea to control these bugs so they don't get out of control..thanks

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I have a biocube29..stock list as of now is 2 cromies..2 perc clowns..yellow goby.. Cleaner shrimp emerald crab and a small clean up crew..

I want to add a mandrin goby because I've noticed a lot of white bugs crawling around the rock..(copepods and amphipods) which I assume that's what they are and I've been told they are a good way to keep these bugs in check..any thoughts from anyone out there if this is a good idea or any other idea to control these bugs so they don't get out of control..thanks

How old is your tank?

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Prolly 6 months but it's a well a stablished tank with multiple corals growing great..not sure if these bugs will become a problem or not..just trying to get some intel on what I should do about them

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never heard of copepods being bad


a wrasse will eat them too...get a six line or yellow or mystery wrasse (very cool looking) ...as they get big...they may eat small shrimp...

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I'm going with no...you're only 6 months in,,,that is okay but not established...and definently not if enough for a mandarin...

Maybe in another year and after an upgrade, unless you want to buy a bottle of pods every week...to supplement...

My mandarin cleaned out my 50g tank and 20g sump (with pod condos) in about 3 months and he was the only copepod eating thing in my tank at the time...

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Yea I kinda figured the two species of gobies won't do well cus my yellow man is In charge of the bottom..any ideas about the bugs or am I worrying to much about them

The mandarin is sometimes called a goby but it's a dragonet, different group



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I'm going with no...you're only 6 months in,,,that is okay but not established...and definently not if enough for a mandarin...

Maybe in another year and after an upgrade, unless you want to buy a bottle of pods every week...to supplement...

My mandarin cleaned out my 50g tank and 20g sump (with pod condos) in about 3 months and he was the only copepod eating thing in my tank at the time...

+1 too young



And if Rob says no....then no.

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