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Clownfish Spots


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I have noticed recently that our female false percula clown is developing spots (pics below). I don't believe they are disease, but I am not sure. There haven't been any major changes in the tank recently. Any ideas?





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Clownfish HyperMelanization - This seems to be a common occurance with clownfish that host corals. I assume that since clown fish's skin is adapted to dealing with the stinging power of anemones, the darkening of the skin is a response in trying to deal with the foreign mucous and stings of corals. I have never seen this condition become a problem for the fish and they seem to do just fine.

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How old is the fish? Mine is developing something similar, although not to the extent that yours is. In my case, I think it is just a natural change due to the fish aging. 


This fish is about five years old.


Is it hosted by coral? Looks like coral stings.


These have tried for several months to host in some green & white discoma mushrooms, and just recently (within the last week to 10 days) have been trying to host in the Duncan. But the spots started before the move to the Duncan.

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