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Any suggestions on how to take better pictures?


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post-234-1131585136_thumb.jpgI'm using a Canon Powershot A80 with a filter and the camera is on a tripod.


The use of the filter and tripod have improved my pictures but I still can't get them as sharp as I would like.


I have tried messing with the white balance.

Taking pictures with room lights on and off.

Truning off pumps etc.


these are the best pictures I have taken so far.

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Looks like I'm out of space to post more pictures :huh:



Use a photo hosting website. There are tons of them that are free (I use photobucket, although there is snapfish, canon, epson, etc.).

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I too have had problems getting good shots. Whenever I have tried to get close the camera could never focus properly. So, with the camera on its highest resolution setting I stand farther back so it can focus. Then, when manipulating the image I zoom in to the desired location and enlarge the final shot....use those megapixels :)


Not a total solution but it work most of the time.



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Couple of suggestions on the focusing problem.  First check the focusl distance for the lens that you are using.  All lenses have a point at which the lens can not focus when you get too close.  Also, if you can, turn the auto focus off and use the manual mode.  That way you can pick where the camera focuses and not the camera picking.  And finally, get a good macro lens, if you have an SLR type camera.


Here is an example of a macro lens:





I too have a Canon PowerShot A80

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I too have a Canon PowerShot A80



DOH! I just checked out the camera. Ignore most of what I said. I use a Digital SLR and am thinking about getting a macro lens for the camera. With the A80 the lens is integrated. lemme do some more digging.

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DOH!  I just checked out the camera.  Ignore most of what I said.  I use a Digital SLR and am thinking about getting a macro lens for the camera.  With the A80 the lens is integrated.  lemme do some more digging.



Scratch that. I just checked they do make a close-up adapter for the camera. Here is a review of the camera and it talks about some of the other goodies that you can get for it.



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DOH!  I just checked out the camera.  Ignore most of what I said.  I use a Digital SLR and am thinking about getting a macro lens for the camera.  With the A80 the lens is integrated.  lemme do some more digging.


I'm assuming that lens would work with my Digital Rebel? I'm looking for a good Macro lens.

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I'm assuming that lens would work with my Digital Rebel? I'm looking for a good Macro lens.




yes. That is the camera I have. I have been toying with getting a macro lens off and on. Perhaps for Christmas this year.

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do you have to save these pictures on to gallery before you can post them into this post?  or can you simple copy/paste and post here?



Mine are on photobucket. Then I just use the image tags to post them here. Photobucket makes it easy because they provide the image tags and you just cut and paste them right into the post.

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yes.  That is the camera I have.  I have been toying with getting a macro lens off and on.  Perhaps for Christmas this year.


Yeah, I've always concentrated on others because I do Asto photography, so my selection of Macros is pretty much non-existent. :D

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I use mine mostly for just snapping pics here and there.  But, I like the control and quality that the SLR offers over the smaller point and shoot types.


One other general note.  Always, always, always shoot on the highest resolution then edit the pictures down.  The shots I posted all run about 3 megs unedited, but after editing run between 50-100k


I couldn't agree more...Mine are always around those same specs...

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Have you used the RAW format at all?




What is raw format? Unfortunately my owners manual is in spanish.

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What is raw format? Unfortunately my owners manual is in spanish.



Basically it allows you to bypass the camera's auto formating and conversion to jpeg and instead preserves the raw data of the picture and allows you to manipulate it manually.


Here is a snip I found from the web.


"Raw files are essentially 'digital negatives', or perhaps more accurately 'digital exposed but undeveloped film'. You get to carry out much of the work that the camera would do, on your own computer. You can decide how you want the image to look. If new software comes out with revolutionary new capabilities, you can go back and do a new conversion. The added dynamic range (16 bit files) gives you much more flexability in subsequent editing of images (particularly in bringing out detail in shadows) Sure, the files are bigger, but disk and card costs are getting cheaper by the minute."

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Thanks for the advice everyone.


I'm going to DR Mac's today to empty my bank acct :) I'll take some new pics with everyones suggestions tonight.


Nice pictures Beltwaybandit.

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