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Odd UV sterilizer question


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So I was given a whole home UV sterilizer by a friend and was curious if this thing could be used for my 125g tank.  I don't see any major differences in materials between this one and any of the commercial aquarium setups.  Could I get your opinion and thoughts?


Model I was given: http://www.caitechnologies.com/shopping/ShowItem.asp?ItemID=ATS-DWS-7


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It says that it has a stainless steel housing. Depending upon the grade, the salt water may corrode it if it's comes in contact with it. You probably also need to consider the dosage just so you understand exactly what it's doing. For example, in high enough doses, UV can ionize oxygen, turning it into ozone. This should be short-lived, but if it's not and if it becomes significant in your tank, it could cause problems with livestock. You can monitor ORP and could also run the effluent over activated carbon to help reconvert any ozone (again, if present) back to oxygen. I can't tell you off hand what the flow rate should be if you were to use it.

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