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rebekwl's 92 Gallon Oceanic Corner Tank

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We had a 90 gallon standard footprint reef aquarium a few years ago and had to take it down when we moved across country. We decided to get back into the hobby and are in the process of building our new tank!


We chose to go with a 92 gallon Oceanic corner tank, RR with single overflow and a 20 gallon sump. So far we have an AquaC skimmer with Mag 9 pump, Mag 9 return pump, Hamilton 175W MH w/ 75W Atinics, 2 Korilia 4s, 2 little fishes phosban reactor, heater, etc. At this point we have approximately 60# live rock and will be purchasing the remaining rock in the next week or so.


We are thinking of going with Nature's Ocean #1 Aragonite sand because we like the bright white color. http://www.naturesoc...ite-sand-1.html We used this sand in our previous tank but used a mixture of the black and white sand which we didn't end up liking very much. We're going to go with dry sand and see if we can find a LFS willing to supply us with a small amount of live sand to seed it with.


Here are a few pics we've taken of the progress so far:

Edited by rebekwl
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Awwww this makes me miss my 92 corner!!! I loved that tank....the depth is incredible and so fun to aquascape!!

I'll be tagging along for sure.

There's a perfect sump for sale on here for this exact tank....grab it you won't regret it but you might if you don't Cuz its hard to work in the sump area of that stand.


Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Edited by sachabballi reef
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Dang, I wish I hadn't gone as far as i have with the build, that sump would be nice.. But the one that came with the set up isn't too bad to get to.. Yea, Can't wait for the rest of my rock and sand to get here.. I forgot how much the patience part of this hobby sucks!

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Looks like it's going to be a nice tank! Look forward to seeing it aquascaped. I've got some crushed coral mixed with white sand that you can have if you're ever around this way, it's been sitting in the back of my Wrangler in a 5 gallon for about 3 months.

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BTW, the rock I got from you is awesome.. Full of pods, little stars etc.. Thanks again.



No problem, I'm glad it went to some good use! I got about 50lbs more that I plan to use for my next build. The crushed coral/sand is completely dry, just hit me with a PM if you're ever around, I'll be more than happy to pass it on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So we had the tank all scaped and thennnn had to take it down to add the sand (oops). That's ok tho...


Here's the sand storm:




And a couple of days after once we moved the rock around and filled in some holes. Funny thing is we didn't really "scape" it because the tank was cloudy, but we're thinking we like the way it looks anyways so we might not change much.






And here is today:






The pics aren't the best but you get the idea!!


It shouldn't be toooo much longer before we're ready to start adding inhabitants, yay!



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It looks nice....can't tell if the rock is up against the back wall? If it is you won't be able to see any of the fish behind it...or put anything on the back wall like a heater or powerhead if needed...

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It is mostly against the wall because we wanted to have a large sand bed area exposed and e wouldn't be able to see much behind the rock anyways because it's a corner tank, so no side view. We have our heater in the sump too and could always add another power head to one of the sides of needed. We are pretty happy w/ the water-flow atm tho, but we'll be able to tell whether or not we need more once we start adding more, can't wait!!

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are you putting sps in this tank or just softy lps? if so you want to rethink the rock wall a little for placement and growth....you are boxing yourself in....i had this exact tank and had it for over 6 years....its a challenge to balance the aquascape but such a freaking awesome tank...you may want to do more of an atoll scape...that is what I ended up with for years and successfully kept a great mixed reef. think of a big U so you maximize the sand bed but bring the rock around the sides lower and gradually increase height to the center...so you have different heights and structures to put SPS and give them growth room....plus you can put a few rocks a little more into the sane bed in the center for placement to vary the height for viewing in the tank....it doesn't need to be all sand...

just my $0.02 from experience.

Edited by sachabballi reef
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also what I had ( will have to dig up some old photos for you) was with the rocks up against the back wall I made a huge swim through cave that came out a bit towards center...the fish all loved it and using a flat rock on top allowed me to also utilize it...and it gave the scape kinda a 3d effect if that makes sense and I kept things like sun coral that likes caves in it....

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+1^^^^ You can get a nice amphitheater rock structure and still have a lot of caves. Here are a couple pics from my 92 corner: 92gCorner1.jpg 92gCorner7-16-073.jpg Keep the pics coming.

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here is a super duper old one from when I first started out...lol you can tell because I have xenia and mushrooms...i avoid both like the plague now :cool:



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Those both look awesome!! Getting the "itch".. we are at 40ppm nitrates but, all other parameters are good. Now it's just a waiting game. Here's one more pic.

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patience grasshopper :cool:


give yourself some dimension with your aquascape....trust us on this one Steve and I both had the same tank for years and we can both speak from experience here...as yor tank grows out you will want the space it affords you with that tank

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Yea I like that Idea. We're going to be taking a few of the smaller pieces out eventually so that will give us some different levels in the tank. We've got a pretty good cave in the middle that comes out on the right and a couple more in there that are harder to see in the pics. We might put another rock right in the center that sits out a little bit. Of course I'm sure we'll change it 100 times before we're completely happy w/ it! ;)

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Only 100? I still can't leave mine alone!! Just make sure you go with something YOU are happy with. Can't wait to see it with some livestock in there.

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no....don't be silly...go with something your better half is happy with....then you don't have to keep changing it

(steve they are doing it together...LOL...I have to assume that if he keeps her happy she will let him buy whatever he wants for the tank,.....the fine art of manipulation...its not like most of us that sneak things in and then pretend our spouse is crazy .... "what? new? no that's always been there, I just moved it to get more light".)

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.its not like most of us that sneak things in and then pretend our spouse is crazy .... "what? new? no that's always been there, I just moved it to get more light".)


That's a good one! I just tell her it's always been there, because half the time, it is. She's always noticing new things, so it's easier to say it's been there all along. I like the "moved for more light."


That's a good idea though, keep her happy happy :) I did my rock work outside of the tank. I changed it around a few times, but I'm honestly just as much in love with it as the day I put it in the tank. I've shuffled some stuff around... but mostly it's rock I added after the fact. Just keep in mind what you're going to be growing,

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agree I did the same...I created my scape outside the tank and made sure it was all glued together and sturdy before putting it in....and I absolutely love my scape on the 180....but you do have to have a game plan....otherwise you end up shoving stuff in or having to do major reworking...

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