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humming noise


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Got this annoying humming noise coming from my fixture when the whites come on. I normally have to smack it a couple of times in order for it to shut up.

Anyone knows why?

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Possibly a fan.... What kind of fixture is it.? Where exactly does the noise sound like it comes from.?


Could be the ballast also! T5?

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Oh! check the light bulbs too. If it the ballasts it wouldn't be cost effective t replace it. Time for LED :happy: !


Bulbs are all new, as for ballast I have one brand new already and there are several people that sell them at great prices. I'm not sold yet on leds as I used to have them over my 75 and hated the disco ball look as well as my corals didn't do to well. But that's a whole other thread there. Just trying to figure out what the humming may be. Like I said it goes away whenever I hit the middle of my fixture...

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All ballast hums (harmonic), but newer electronic ones are pretty quiet.

maybe loose ballast (since humming goes away). Try tighten the screw(s) before you replace it. Good luck

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My fixture was making a bunch of noise, so I put some foam under the legs and that stopped the problem completely.

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