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How to stop yellow tang from picking on others


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I have a very territorial yellow tang. I put a power blue in the tank and the yellow beat the crap out of it. Other than completely re-arranging my tank, is there a way to add another tang without it getting killed? Does adding 2 tangs at the same time help? Or do I just need to catch it and trade it in for a new one so I can add all three tangs at the same time? Any help is appreciated.

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My YT is very territorial, too. However, it seems he's less inclined to be too confrontational if it's dark. So, if I introduce the new tang to the tank at lights out, then turn the lights out for another day (not always necessary), the newly added fish fares better. There may be some establishing of boundaries initially, but the new guy gets beat up less and is better rested. (Being well rested is probably also key. A new fish may be stressed and weaker if he's gone through a lot of hands recently.)

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I have a kole that is very territorial, but he is also a chicken. I made a three sided piece of egg grate and hung it over the center brace. Make the pieces that hang into the tank pretty long, not as drastic as rescaping, but still does the trick.

Edited by surf&turf
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Catch it and buy all next ones small and from the same tank...Always the safest way if possible..

Moving it to a frag tank then back in after a week can work sometimes..

Edited by basser9
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