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Nitrates in my newly mixed saltwater?


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I don't mean to hijack but I have a question. My tds reading coming in is 260 to 280 coming out is 1 to 2 at most. But when I mix my saltwater my nitrates are 10 ppm right off the bat. Any idea what would cause the high nitrates or what u could do to lower it.

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I don't mean to hijack but I have a question. My tds reading coming in is 260 to 280 coming out is 1 to 2 at most. But when I mix my saltwater my nitrates are 10 ppm right off the bat. Any idea what would cause the high nitrates or what u could do to lower it.

Nitrate will get picked up by a TDS meter (which measures electrical conductivity and, thereby, infers ionic density).


Artifical salt mixes are known to have some ammonia impurities. It's plausible there might be nitrates, too. However, 10 ppm seems very high. It might be worth performing several tests:


1) If your RO/DI water is stored in a container prior to mixing your artificial salt water (asw), then test it from the container for nitrates.

2) Take a sample of the fresh water from your storage container and, in a clean glass jar or measuring cup, mix up a cup or so of ASW the the proper concentration and test it.


What test kit are you using?

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I'm using Api and red sea test kits. I use both kits with the same results.

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Go ahead and run a few tests (as listed above) to see where the nitrates are introduced.

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Brightwell aquatics neo marine reef salt

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I have no tanks setup right now because I'm getting ready to start the new build so my Rodi is not hooked up. I'm gonna hook up tomorrow and try the tests.

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Does anyone know if either of the test kits I have will test the nitrates in freshwater. I was gonna try tap water and Rodi water to see if nitrates are present.

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I def wanna resolve this as quickly as possible so I can eliminate before tank is setup. I tried to go get my tank tonight but the guy couldn't find a carpenter to tear his door frame apart to get the stand out.

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It's Frederick county water.

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Your TDS being at 1 or 2 I don't think it would be RO filters. Try cleaning your mixing container really good and see what you get then. When I was using RSCP my bucket would turn brown after a few batches.

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Rscp? That's funny I noticed that the other day. Like a brown slime forming inside the trash can. What causes that? And could that have something to do with the nitrates.

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Is that bad or anything to do with nitrates. Do you know if my kits will test freshwater nitrates.

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It could be. If the contaminants in the water promote bacterial growth, the bacteria will convert the ammonia contaminant (a common one) and other organics to nitrates.


Look at your API nitrate test kit box. It should say on the label if it's good for both fresh and salt water. Same with the Red Sea kit.

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