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Have you experienced any inflammation or joint pain ?


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Can't disagree that age is a contributing factor to a lot of medical issues. As we get older our immune system just doesn't work as well as it did when we were younger. Stress is another HUGE contributing factor. It will wear down the immune system worse than aging will.

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Amen!!!!! Stress is a killer!!!!

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Missed this...Thank you, Forrest.


I wish you luck with the surgery, Jan.


I don't think any problems I have had are from working in my tank, other than the horrid euphyllia stings that leave little scars behind.

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Jan, wish you luck with your surgery.


I started having joint pain in my hand and feet in late April this year and went through all kind of tests which you have mentioned but it came back negative. The pain was chronic around my toes and fingers. Suddenly after 3 months (2 weeks ago) the pain was gone. No change in diet or medication. So its still a mystery as to what was causing the joint pain.

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I started having unexplained muscle and joint pains January 2001. Over the years it's gotten worse, I've been thru countless tests, my doctor feels there is something "auto immune going on", tho no one can put their finger on what it is. During this time I had 16 Cichlid tanks, and one FOWLR tank. For personal reasons I broke down all the tanks but one planted tank. The general non specific muscle/joint pain didn't get any better, but didn't get worse either.


Fast forward 12 years, the general non specific muscle/joint pain has turned into bursitis in my right shoulder, Trigger Thumb on my right hand, Carpal tunnel in both wrists, and a weak right knee. Oddly enough, I'm back up to 7 Cichlid tanks, and one (soon to be two) reef tanks.


I read this thread back in June, discounting it for my situation, as I have mainly fw tanks, and fw bacteria is different than sw bacteria, right?


Today, this was posted on Capital Cichlid Assoc by one of our "nerds":



I googled her, and found this also:




(hit launch video) much of the same, but still very interesting. Anyway, just thought Jan/everyone might be interested.

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Funny coincidence...as I type this I'm slotted for surgery this afternoon to (hopefully) fix trigger finger in my left pinky. The doctors believe my trigger pinky to be a result of a poor suture job 5 years ago when I went to the ER after slicing my pinky open with a hockey skate (this is why we wear gloves even when playing pond hockey). I haven't noticed any difference between when I have my hand in my tanks or when I am just doing normal tasks, but it locks and hurts like crazy at least twice a week. So hopefully I'll have good news to report on my case, good luck with yours Jan!

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Love this. WOW, Prof. Bassler is amazing; very dynamic. I like nerds. Thank you! I enjoy reading "stuff" like this. Keep it coming.


I started having unexplained muscle and joint pains January 2001. Over the years it's gotten worse, I've been thru countless tests, my doctor feels there is something "auto immune going on", tho no one can put their finger on what it is. During this time I had 16 Cichlid tanks, and one FOWLR tank. For personal reasons I broke down all the tanks but one planted tank. The general non specific muscle/joint pain didn't get any better, but didn't get worse either.


Fast forward 12 years, the general non specific muscle/joint pain has turned into bursitis in my right shoulder, Trigger Thumb on my right hand, Carpal tunnel in both wrists, and a weak right knee. Oddly enough, I'm back up to 7 Cichlid tanks, and one (soon to be two) reef tanks.


I read this thread back in June, discounting it for my situation, as I have mainly fw tanks, and fw bacteria is different than sw bacteria, right?


Today, this was posted on Capital Cichlid Assoc by one of our "nerds":




I googled her, and found this also:




(hit launch video) much of the same, but still very interesting. Anyway, just thought Jan/everyone might be interested.

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Makes sense for your situation but I have no injuries whatsoever to my hands or digits. Good luck!


Funny coincidence...as I type this I'm slotted for surgery this afternoon to (hopefully) fix trigger finger in my left pinky. The doctors believe my trigger pinky to be a result of a poor suture job 5 years ago when I went to the ER after slicing my pinky open with a hockey skate (this is why we wear gloves even when playing pond hockey). I haven't noticed any difference between when I have my hand in my tanks or when I am just doing normal tasks, but it locks and hurts like crazy at least twice a week. So hopefully I'll have good news to report on my case, good luck with yours Jan!

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Thanks, Dip.


I hope you get some answers. It's frustrating not knowing why.


Jan, wish you luck with your surgery.


I started having joint pain in my hand and feet in late April this year and went through all kind of tests which you have mentioned but it came back negative. The pain was chronic around my toes and fingers. Suddenly after 3 months (2 weeks ago) the pain was gone. No change in diet or medication. So its still a mystery as to what was causing the joint pain.

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