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Stupid powerhead croaked

paul b

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I can't believe it, this powerhead that runs my reverse UG filter stopped. I don't know if it stopped for a day, week or month, but it stopped.

I don't know why, It is only about 20 years old, :blink: I am sure I removed it for cleaning or something maybe 10 years ago but it was all the way behind the rocks and not easy to get to and I could not see it. I just assumed it would work forever like it should.

It just needed a little cleaning out of tube worms. Those things build those glass like shelters in the stupidest places, I mean if you were a tube worm, would you build a home right next to a rotor in a dark, noisy powerhead? Stupid animals.

Anyway, I cleaned it out and it is as good as new and I hope to not have to see it for another ten years, unless more worms move in.



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i clean all my pumps once a month


Once a Month!


I may look at it after a decade just to know it didn't disolve. :rolleyes:

I don't do anything once a month, except clean the glass, well actually I do that more often or the crabs write me nasty notes on the inside glass.

I also change some water, but no where near once a month, maybe 2 months but usually closer to three.

I clean the skimmer reaction tube maybe once a month and I stick my finger in the water to check the temperature once a month.

I checked the parameters 2 years ago and maybe 5 years before that. And I do add stuff from the sea maybe once a month.

Once a month I may get my microscope out and look at some amphipod looking thing or change the water in my worm keeper.

I forgot I have to rinse the sponge on this powerhead once a month, or two. When ever it stops pumping.

So I guess I do have to do something once a month, but lets not get crazy :cool:

After 10 or 15 years I did have to chop out the tube worms inside this surface skimmer. It is fine now and has an internal, natural filter full of tubes.



Edited by paul b
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I can't believe it, this powerhead that runs my reverse UG filter stopped. I don't know if it stopped for a day, week or month, but it stopped.

I don't know why, It is only about 20 years old, :blink:


I was going to suggest infant mortality, but you got it working again. Ha!

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i just realized, i was only 6 years only the last time you cleaned that pump. LOLOL.


Oh, I did NOT need to hear that........



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