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Are my clowns laying eggs?


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My female clown has lately been hiding under a group of large mushrooms, to the point that I can hardly find her. I dont see any eggs there, but I never get a good view, and would feel bad sticking my hand in there if she does have eggs.


Would this be the behavior she would exhibit if there are eggs around?


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ok just stuck my hand in there to see whats up.


She did not attack and just moved under the next mushroom over. So I lifted up the edges of the mushrooms in the area and didnt see any eggs down there. So what could she be doing hiding underneath all of the mushrooms now?

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the male is kinda odd. Durring the day he swims all over the tank, but when the lights go out he goes right over to her and they sleep side by side every night. But will he do this cleaning durring the day or do they do it around lights out? I will keep a closer eye on the male to see what he does over the course of the day.

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Maybe you can catch them in the act. :blush: I'd seen eggs in the tank before on a rock in the corner of the tank. They would reappear every 6-8 weeks. Then one day I came home from work and found the clowns were in the mood for a little "afternoon delight." Pretty interesting.


I haven't seen them in a while, though they have been hosting a large toadstool for the past few months.

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Mine laid eggs twice and I didn't/couldn't do much about it :( I wish I had another tank setup so I could breed them. I have black matted pair :)

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