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Question about selling all equipment


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Hello to those I haven't seen in a couple of years...


Long story short, I will be getting out of the hobby, and have a ton of stuff for sale.


How does "for sale" work these days on WAMAS?


Auctions? Do I need to re-join and pay membership fee?



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You are allowed to post 1 (one) getting out of the hobby sale thread in the general discussion area.

It must have prices for all items. If you have a bunch of smaller items you could put them in a between 5-10 dollars category.

You are not supposed to keep adding stuff to the thread so please bear that in mind as you create your thread.

If you need to adjust things, let me know and I'll help you get it done.

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Well I'm back...i'm now an official WAMAS member again.


So sorry for the basic questions....but for the stuff i have for sale...whats the best way to show pictures of the items?


To add them to my post? or load the pictures someplace else? and link to them from my For Sale Post??


Thanks for your help...

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You could upload to Photobucket or some other host, then just post the img codes so the pictures will show up right in the thread.

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