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Hello folks! Joined WAMAS about a month ago (under the wise guidance of one Emissary) and have been lurking around trying to educate myself. I finally posted a note in the WTB forum, so I figured it was about time for an introduction thread.


I'm Wade, I do things with computers during the day and enjoy the torture of golf in my off hours. I'm VERY new to this hobby...I'm been admiring Emissary's 180g for a number of years, and finally decided to take the plunge into the reef keeping hobby. My reasons are simple: I love water, I love colors, and I love building things (though my wife would tell you that I'm doing this to furnish her with Coral - and if that helps get the project off the ground, so be it). I plan to build a nice mixed reef with some fish life and a reasonably automated tank support system...hopefully I'll see the fruits of my labor in the next couple years - this project is sslooooooowwwww movin'!


I have recently acquired a 120g and have drawn up about 17 plans for an in-wall setup...so the adventure begins!

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Posting during work hours? Get back to work!!!


Pot. Kettle. Black.



Thanks for the warm welcomes folks! Looking forward to documenting the build!

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