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Gigantea Anemone


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I know that these nems have been on sale throughout the past few months and they've gone pretty quickly. Anyone still have theirs? Can you share pics and info? Tank size, flow, lighting, how long you've had them, etc. etc.

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Are you talking Stichodactyla gigantea or Condylactis gigantea. I assume you're talking about Carpet Anems? Stichodactyla... if so there are quite a few people in the club with them.

Edited by jason the filter freak
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I bought a blue gigantea from F&F about 5-6 months ago. Here's a photo about 3 weeks after I got it:




I have it under 400w Radium/Icecap lighting and is on the sandbed of my tank about 22" deep. It gets really high flow/surges in that area. My tank is a 156g with a 40g sump. I'll post some updated shots when I get home.

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I have two Blues and one green in customers tanks, I maintain them and feed them a couple of krill twice a month and they are thriving. I have noticed in one tank that the anenome lost a bit of its blue and moved higher in the tank, i checked my records and we were due for bulb changes. Didnt you experience something like this Francis?



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I've had a green one for 3 years and it's been trough a lot. It walked around some so I put it in timeout in my overflow. It lived there for about a year. Occasionally it would decide to go for a ride. Sometimes it would make it all the way, other times not. Here's a pic of a time it didn't finish the ride.





It's also gotten in fights with power heads and other things. Usually it would win...

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I was going to take photos but instead caught my Rod's Onyx female/Doni's Picasso male laying eggs last night so I took a video of it.



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