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Can someone ID this LPS please


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Its ugly! Give it to me :biggrin:

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you can bid when i put it to auction. I just wanted to know what it was so i can put it in the title and figure out a fair price.

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I have a question about the nomenclature... I had not seen the term "War Coral" until somewhat recently. Isn't that just a designer name that has been given to a few of the corals out there that people are trying to turn into LE corals? I've seen "war corals" before, years back when I first started in the hobby which is now close to 20 years ago, but up until the last couple of years I've never heard the term war coral, that is until people started talking about the Tyree LE War Coral...


So, long winded question is whether war coral is an actual genus or species common name or simply a name that was given to these things? Somewhat along the lines of when did a purple polyped Seriatopora hystrix/common birdnest become a Bird of Paradise question...

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I have a question about the nomenclature... I had not seen the term "War Coral" until somewhat recently. Isn't that just a designer name that has been given to a few of the corals out there that people are trying to turn into LE corals? I've seen "war corals" before, years back when I first started in the hobby which is now close to 20 years ago, but up until the last couple of years I've never heard the term war coral, that is until people started talking about the Tyree LE War Coral...


So, long winded question is whether war coral is an actual genus or species common name or simply a name that was given to these things? Somewhat along the lines of when did a purple polyped Seriatopora hystrix/common birdnest become a Bird of Paradise question...


I believe the proper name is favites pentagona. The common name "war coral" is used to describe a particular color morph of red with green centers, because other colors exist and are still favites pentagona.



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I believe the proper name is favites pentagona. The common name "war coral" is used to describe a particular color morph of red with green centers, because other colors exist and are still favites pentagona.



So it's a designer name... just what I thought. I wasn't sure, though, was trying to figure out if I missed something somewhere along the line.

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