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my crabs hate me

paul b

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I have a love/hate relationship with hermit crabs. I wish they could not detect food so well. There are maybe 6 or 8 of them in my tank but two of them are over 10 years old and they are big and tough.

When I feed the corals (which I do while I am waiting for a phone call) the crabs of course smell the food and race to the meal. They have lousy table manners and just pounce on the coral without even wiping their feet and pry the thing open to get the food.

It is a constant battle for me to physically pick up the crabs and throw them to the far end of the tank. Then of course they make another Bee line back to the coral. I have tried posting signs and using harsh language on them to no avail. Now I am thinking of an electric fence.

This giant cup coral is enjoying some fresh worms.



This smaller guy is also having lunch but the gobi is not much of a deterant.




Here he is in his fighting posture


And here he is with his little tramp girlfriend in the back. They spawn a lot right in the open with the lights on.


Edited by paul b
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it is annoying and these crabs are over 10 years old so this has been going on since they were babies. I guess I didn't bring them up correctly.


This urchin is the same problem. This is an old picture and he not only steals food from the corals, he steals the entire coral and brings them to the back of the tank where I can't find them.


I swear he is gesturing at me in a not so nice manner but I can't figure out which spine he is using to do it.

This urchin is much larger now and can probably take me in an even fight.



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