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Does it really matter?


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I have the Hagen Glo 54w T5HO Electronic Balast and I need to buy some new bulbs for it. Does it matter which brand I buy for it. Do I have to go with the Hagen's or can I go with a cheaper alternative such as a Current Slimpaq.


Your opinions would be appreciated.

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Yeah, I just realized how stupid that question really was.


Another question however... If I have 4 bulbs, should I go with 2 10,000k daylight and 2 460nm actinics or should I go with 1 420nm and 1 460nm?

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That is a matter of opinion really, some people perfer to mix all there bulbs and some go Half and half being actinic and 10k. I think you should go with MH th reason being it you can grow anything under those yeah they cost more but I'm sure you could get a great deal from a member. But to really answer your question you should go to BRK they have all the bulbs on display and you can see the different spectrums that are displayed.

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Yeah, I just realized how stupid that question really was.


Not a stupid question at all. Just like any other bulbs, the quality of the bulbs vary by manufacturer. ATI and Geissman are the most used out there. They also offer a much broader spectrum than just daylight and actinic. I would go to someone's house that has them and see if you like the colors. Also, over on RC Grimreefer has a thread and can tell you what bulbs to get depending on what look you're going for.

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I cannot go Metal Halide right now b/c I don't have the money. Plus, I already have the T5HO ballasts. I just wanted to know what variation of bulbs would be the best for growing stuff.

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It's also a tradeoff and depends on what corals you have and what you want to accomplish. All 10k's and your SPS will probably grow great but not look so colorful. I'm a little heavy on the 10k side and my SPS are growing great while my shrooms at the botton are shriveled unless under an overhang. My color could be better also.

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