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My 120 reef tank


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I have had my tank for a while, but haven't had time to take any pictures of it. Recently, it was reaquascaped with the help of another WAMAS member. It is a 120 gallon tank that I built into the wall. Behind it is a "fish room" with a 50 gallon sump that houses the protein skimmer, UV sterilizer, etc. In the fish room there is a refugium and another grow-out tank/Quarantine that are connected to the main tank(the q-tank can be disconnected when needed). I run a Reeflo Barracuda to provide the main current to the systems. I also have several Tunze's/koralia's/seaswirl's to provide movement to my tank.


I use 2 250 watt Radium 20k bulbs in Lumenbright reflectors that are run by Icecap Ballasts. I also have 2 110 watt VHO actinic bulbs providing additional light.


The tank is drilled with 3 1.5 inch bulkheads that drain into the sump. There are two returns to the main tank, one return to the fug and one return to the grow out tank.


I use a dual chamber calcium reactor to replenish my calcium/alk for my tank and I dose VSV(Vodka/Sugar/Vinegar) to help with nitrates.


Fish wise I have:


1 blue tang

1 yellow tang

1 powder blue tang

1 foxface

1 pylei fairy wrasse

1 christmas wrasse

1 flame angel

2 firefish gobies

1 copperband butterfly

2 bartlett's anthias


Here are some pictures from past and present:


















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Is the coral in the second picture on the right (green with purple) the one you got from me?

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Wowzers Scott!


Your tank has changed a lot since I was there last. It's gorgeous! Very nice growth all around. A lot of new pieces/corals or were these recently bought?

Edited by zoozilla
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No, that is a hug colony I got from Carribean jake.

He was always very affectionate, wasn't he.


The tank is looking great, Scott. Nice to see that you still have time to keep it happy.

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Ha ha, yeah Jake was always very affectionate:)


Thanks guys. I have added a few corals here and there from various places/people within the group. I am able to work on it after my daughter goes to sleep. I have tried to make everything as automated as possilble. I have a pump on a DJ switch that pumps water out for water changes. My 55 gallon tub is right next to the tank for refilling that I move a hose over to refil my sump. That is my next step to automate.

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  • 6 months later...

Very Nice!!! only if I could have a large tank

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