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Green/Brown algae - need help


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I need some help. For a while now I have had this dark green to brown like algae stuff that is growing and I can't figure out why or how to get rid of it besides rubbing the rocks and getting it off that way.


My parameters have been good. I got rid of my tests since I was going to sell my tank due to a divorce, that ended up not going through and we are staying together now and working things through. Good news, except for all the stuff I got rid of for the tank.


I used an Air water and ice rodi, regular water changes, and added a phos 150 reactor with carbon in it.


This stuff has grown regardless of what I have done.


It is sort of a dark green and brownish looking algae that is very easy to brush off the rocks or frags that it has grown on. It is mainly annoying, and isn't too bad, but I want to get a handle on it.


I will admit, my cleanup crew has dwindled since I set the tank up. So I do need to get some snails and stuff.

My Kole tang, and Rabbitfish won't eat whatever it is.


Rigth now I am in the process of a complete re-aquascape soon, and taking all the rocks out and getting this stuff scrubbed off to start it fresh with a new layout. WHAT A PAIN WHEN YOU HAVE ALL YOUR CORALS already attachted to rocks. But I am just not thrilled with the aquascaping and never seeing some of the inverts since they hide behind the rock I have up against the back.


Anyway, without pics, does anybody have any idea on how to control/get rid of this stuff.


I have a great fuge, with DSB, Cheato, Good skimmer that is always pulling out great stuff. And all my corals are growing really well (all sps mainly). The only thing that doesn't grow like weeds are my softies which mainly consist of Zoanthids.


Any help would be appreciated.

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I would try running some grannular ferric oxide (GFO) in your phosphate reactor instead of carbon and see what that does. Limiting your phosphates to below 0.03 usually will keep the algae under control. The problem with hobby grade phosphate test kits is they are not very accurate at low levels. I'm glad to hear about you two getting back together and wish you both the best.

Edited by Highland Reefer
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You are not dosing a carbon source? Carbon sources can cause bacterial mats which are usually clear or brown in color. Green would be algae. There are brown algae also.

Edited by Highland Reefer
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hmmm a kole tang and a rabbit fish won't touch it? Thats really strange... do you have a fighting strombli conch or the small guys and they should help if its cyno not sure what to do if its not?

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Blow it off the rocks with turkey baster.

Do run phos ban and refugium.

Cut back run time on the lights.

What are you feeding the fish or corals with?

What brand salt mix do you use.

how old is the tank?


Live rock has many pores, crevices.

you can take a powerhead and blow out everything in the crevices. This could enable the skimmer to remove the waste

in the live rock.



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Thanks guys.


Here is my solution.


  1. Cleanup crew ordered - old one lost too many along the way
    Taking all the live rock out to clean it, blow detritus off, and re-aquascape so I can see all my little critters.
    Big Water change
    Running lights a little less - checking par would be good if I can get my hands on the CMAS one
    Overall - doing the rock work where there will be more flow and open spaces. I run a little (okay a lot) more than average live rock for a 72g bow
    HAVE BETTER HUSBANDRY - more water changes on time (weekly)

We'll see what happens from there.


As far as questions. Its only about 3-4 months old, but the live rock, sand, and original water was transferred from a very well established tank. I feed mysis, some pellets, coral frenzy, cyclopeeze, oyster eggs, and some red seaweed for the foxface.

I am sure it will all clear up when I do this. If not I will try some GFO instead of carbon in my reactor.

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