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ID please


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was staring @ my aquarium after school & saw that my banded coral shrimp got startled a lil. then from behind it, i saw this crab.




can someone ID it for me? & whether i should take it out or is it alright to leave it in?

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With the dark tipped claws, it look like a young gorilla crab (or another xanthid crab) to me. Pest worth removing.

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Could me many types of crabs. Could be a gorilla crab or a Emerald/Mithrax crab. Might be to young to tell.


i have a emerald crab and it doesnt look like that. this crab is actually pretty big. maybe... an inch...? not hairy, pink with a bit of black at the tips of claws. seems kind of feisty too o0...


Pest worth removing.

really? alright i have to go look for it now xp any tips on how to get them out easier?

Edited by Lizzie
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Some have had luck with baiting a small, clear glass and leaning it up against a rock near where the crab is to be found. The crab can crawl in but can't crawl back out. That's the principal, at least. For me, this technique generally results in frustration as I only catch a whole lot of hermits. Unfortunately, most of my success has come from having a bamboo shishkabob skewer in my hand and taking a more direct approach to taking them out when they're exposed. Not pretty, but effective.

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im thinking about giving my rocks a quick freshwater bath to get rid of some bristleworms, will that get the bugger out too? & how long should i do it for?

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