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DIY Carbon/Phosphate Reactor


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I was starting to see some hair algae in the tank and was wondering what was going on.


I checked my nitrates and they were 0.


I then checked my phosphates and they were at 2.5. Wo! Well at least I know why the algae was starting up.


I looked through everything I was adding to the tank from my top off water (DI) to my food.


The only thing I found that mentioned phosphate was my New Life Spectrum food that has polyphosphates in it.


Maybe this is the source.


The other thing it might be is the carbon I use. I used to use a brand that stated on the side of the box no phosphates. The LFS stopped selling that brand and the new one I use does not make that claim on the container.


Any how I decided I had better lower the phosphate level in the tank and decided to add a phosphate reactor.


At the same time I figured I could put my carbon in their as well. I used to keep it in a bag just lying in the sump.


I checked my phosphate level this morning less than 24 hours later and they are 0 or darn near close as best this test kit can tell.


Any how I stole the idea from this link and then added to it a little.




Here are some pics.









Edited by bbyatv
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Originally I had two reactors. One with carbon and one with phosphate sponge. The T went to the other chamber. I decided I could put both in one chamber. and condense a little.




Why the tee on the input line before the union? It looks like it's just capped.

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No Doubt.


The only thing I bought was the needle point backing (5 @ $.75) and the canister itself (2 @ $5.99). I had the phosphate sponge, carbon, plumbing, screens, and pump all laying around.


This was a cheap DIY that did its job and fast.




That's what I like to see - maximize the use of "stuff laying around" (meaning stuff not designated for reef use).

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Looks like something I could actually build myself... maybe I'll try it out.

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Looks really good. I did something very similar, although I did have a phosban reactor, I made my own carbon reactor out of a pasta container I got at target for about 6 bucks, and daisy chained the two together, and the results have been very good.

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I am continually astounded at your ingenuity. I surf regularly for reef-related sites to see new things, and learn new stuff, but your reef Kung-fu is unparralleled. I am yet again impressed.

By the way, I have started dosing the calcium partion of the RHF 2 part mix. I hunted all over for the stinkin dow flake, but I finally caved and just ordered some off the web. Pretty easy to make. even easier to use. Thanks again for showing me that stuff.



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Thanks for the kind words. If you ever want to build one of these let me know. I have the stuff.


By the way, what brand of Calcium Chloride did you buy?


I would have gladly given you 1/2 a bag of Dow.






I am continually astounded at your ingenuity. I surf regularly for reef-related sites to see new things, and learn new stuff, but your reef Kung-fu is unparralleled. I am yet again impressed.

By the way, I have started dosing the calcium partion of the RHF 2 part mix. I hunted all over for the stinkin dow flake, but I finally caved and just ordered some off the web. Pretty easy to make. even easier to use. Thanks again for showing me that stuff.



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  • 1 month later...

Is there another link to more info about this? The one posted doesn't work anymore.

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