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Stocking Question


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Ok so here's the situation:


Old tank melted down- Bad heater, Bad :blast: . I'm going to get a few new fish for the 75. What are everyone's thoughts on this stocking list for the 75?


Coral Beauty (Current)

GSM (Current)

2x Sohal Tang















Just Kidding.... :biggrin:

2x Captive Bred Banggai Cardinal

1x Kole Tang

1x Yellow Watchman Goby!



Thanks in advance

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I dunno about the Kole. I'd rather he be in a 90, but they often do okay in a 75.


Phil- Please pardon my ignorance if I am missing something obvious. What is the main difference between the 75 and the 90? (I did obtain a college degree, and I remember learning this thing called math, so "15 gallons dummy!" jokes aside ;) ) They are both 48x18 correct? Does the extra 5 inches of vertical space make that much of a difference? If you mean total water volume, I'm running a 33 gallon refugium , and 20 gallon sump. Total system volume is approximately 115 gallons.


Thanks again for the input.



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People get hung up on volumn rather than "logical space".

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People get hung up on volumn rather than "logical space".


I suppose so, though I don't think Phil was being a "Tang Police Officer" like some replies I've seen on other boards. I still have quite a bit to learn, particularly about fish. I'm honestly just asking for my own education. I had kind of decided on the Kole because they have great personalities, are living vacuum cleaners, don't break the bank, and don't have the aggression issues associated with other tangs. I'm planning on using the 'fuge for macro growth / tang food. I suppose I should probably start my dedicated tank thread soon.

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I suppose so, though I don't think Phil was being a "Tang Police Officer" like some replies I've seen. I still have quite a bit to learn, particularly about fish. I'm honestly just asking for my own education. I had kind of decided on the Kole because they have great personalities, are living vacuum cleaners, don't break the bank, and don't have the aggression issues associated with other tangs. I'm planning on using the 'fuge for macro growth / tang food. I suppose I should probably start my dedicated tank thread soon.


What's the deal with "tang police" anyway? Why particularly are tangs singled out? I never hear anyone say trigger police or angel police. If there's going to be any kind of fish police, why not damsel police? I know there are plenty of people who would love to be able to call Fish-911 to have someone come arrest those evasive murderous little beasts and put them away somewhere where they can't bother anyone anymore.


Looking forward to seeing the tank thread :)

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I think it mainly has to do with the fact that tangs "seem" to be one of the more readily available species in the trade, but very few people do any research at all on their natural environments. For some reason people really like to reccomend them as "beginner" fish. I've even seen juvie hippos in nano cubes. Now that really does aggravate me, particularly when someone has no plans or hasn't even given a thought to upgrading in the future.


I know they are natural grazers who cover large territories, and most publications, authors, etc. seem to say that a 4ft tank is the minimum size for the Ctenochaetus genus, and even some of the Zebrasomas. I just really wanted to know why a 90 would be preferrable to a 75, given the slight difference in dimensions. I'll probably be upgrading to a 6 footer within the next 3-4 years anyway. Just thought perhaps a Kole would be a good addition for the time being.


And you are right, the damsels need some type of enforcement authority!! Nasty little buggers.

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what's GSM?

green spotted(?) mandarin?

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My two cents is that if you really want the fish in your system, then buy it and when it gets to large, then trade it for either a smaller one or something else you want to observe for a while. Spice is Nice. :biggrin:

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My two cents is that if you really want the fish in your system, then buy it and when it gets to large, then trade it for either a smaller one or something else you want to observe for a while. Spice is Nice. :biggrin:


This is something I've been keeping in mind for my little yellow tang. He's still very small so I've got a really long time to enjoy him even if I do eventually trade him off. Actually, the person getting the bigger, surely older, same type of fish may be getting a better deal with the fact that it's a long established captive animal in known good health with a known temperment. You, however, would get to enjoy another fish even after teh original one has gotten beyond it's years and gone from old age.

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Lol. I didn't know what it was at first and put GSM with Fish in google.

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