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Although I am having a daughter in april this happens to be about my tomato clowns.


This was a big suprise to me. I have had a pair of tomato clowns in my 90 refugium for about 2 years. I have 3 anemonies and have never had any eggs. I was actually going to give them away for someone else to try.


I was away at my inlaws for the past week and had a neighbor come over and feed my tanks just once. So I certainly didn't expect to find any babies after being away for so long. Maybe every time I show up at the tank I just ruin the romance for them. I am not sure, but whatever did it I was amazed to see all those little eggs. This was actually the first time I have seen this, so I am pretty excited.


I dont think they have a long term survival chance but I will now consider setting up another tank to try and raise future generations. If I would have known I could have gotten a clown breeding book for chanukha.

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Thanks for the link. It was very informative. I think I am going to try and build a small tank that I can put inside the tank that they are breeding in. I am going to try a couple of ideas as I have the time.

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Hi David. "Wreck" here in the forum has also raised at least two broods of tomato clowns in the past 4 months. He might have some advice. As I recall, one of the critical things he had to have on hand was live rotifers (greenwater) that he cultured. His very first batch didn't survive because of lack of suitable food. Here's one of his recent threads where he was selling off some of the babies which he'd raised to better than an inch long.





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Congrats on your breeding Tomato Clownfish. I highly recommend the book "Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson, I used her information to rear two egg clutches. You will need a small tank setup, live rotifers and rotifer food(greenwater or other). I would help you out with both but I just got back from vacation and my cultures crashed. Others here may have some to start you out or go to www.rotifer.com for a starter kit. Good luck, PM me if you have any questions.


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