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MY 40gl plan!!

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I just looked on the foster and smith website and I didn't see anything for less than $3 per pound. Also, if you look closely you will see that the rock arrives uncured. That means you are going to have to wait for a full cycle. If you buy it locally you can get it for the same price, pick out the shapes you want, and you'll get it fully cured. I think you'd be a lot happier doing it that way.




its the caribbean LR 40# for 99.99 thats 2.5/ lb


im truely fine with the whole cycle

and again im going to check around locally

are their any good LFS that sell n ice LR?


When I set up my first tank, I bought around 150#LR from someone local who actually brought it over and gave me their extra salt buckets! :) It wasn't crawling with stuff like if I had bought it from somewhere like TBS, but it was around $1.50/lb and had a good amount of coralline on it already.


My tank barely cycled with that and some LS from another local person. It had a ton of bacteria already established and only had some dieoff for the first week.


If I had the $ I would get some from TBS just because it really is fascinating what can come in on that rock. I feel like you could put that in and be happy watching just the rock without adding anything else!




thats what i wanted to do... just get really nice LR and kinda watch an ecosystem start- watch things grow and all- that would be neat.

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so my mother said i could get the tank if i clean my room which im doing today!!!!!

but now i have to decide what i wat- seahorses or other fishy


there are pros and cons to both i just cant decide

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do you have any pics of your 10g horse tank? Since my yashia jumped I only have LR and frags in mine and think that might be fun to try. You have five horses in a 10g?



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its the caribbean LR 40# for 99.99 thats 2.5/ lb


im truely fine with the whole cycle

and again im going to check around locally

are their any good LFS that sell n ice LR?

thats what i wanted to do... just get really nice LR and kinda watch an ecosystem start- watch things grow and all- that would be neat.

I know someone who lives over in your neck of the woods who is breaking down his 75-gallon FOWLR tank a week from now. Could probably get his rock and sand dirt cheap. He's moving, and can't take it with him. I've already got a deal for his fish.



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i dont have the tank yet... but im getting it shortly.. hopefully


5 DWARF seahorses they are about an inch long really cute one is a babie

dont worry im not crampy foot long horses in a 10gl i know better than that-


4 6in horses should fit in a 40gl according to my seahorse experts


but i think im going with the reef anyways because something new and be very pretty


do you have any pics of your 10g horse tank? Since my yashia jumped I only have LR and frags in mine and think that might be fun to try. You have five horses in a 10g?





is this a ten gl your talking about.. if so i dont think that would be safe for dwarves- but if its something larger itd be i think safe for erectus seahorses


seahorse.org is a great place if you are ever interested in seahorses

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so my mother said i could get the tank if i clean my room which im doing today!!!!!


Maybe I need your mom to come over here and bribe my son with something to get him to clean!

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Maybe I need your mom to come over here and bribe my son with something to get him to clean!



the tank is what gets me- she offers money shopping etc but when she said tank i was willing to fight my sunburned legs to do it.... which i ended up not doing because my right foot is so swollen i can hardly walk on it so i got a couple extra days

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swollen from?


...stomping her feet and yelling, "I want a saltwater aquarium and I want it now!" :lol:


(Just kidding Sara. ;) )

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sorry about that - I thought I read a post where you said you had dwarves in a 10 gal.

Thanks for the seahorse link.



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sorry about that - I thought I read a post where you said you had dwarves in a 10 gal.

Thanks for the seahorse link.





oh no i do!! i do have dwarves in a 10 gl not full grown seahorses big seahorses

the reason why i said it might not be safe is because dwarves are quite small and should not be housed in a reef like setting because some creatures that are not harmful in a reef can hunt and kill dwarves or dwarf fry-

but go register over there if you are still interested my thred in the dwarf forum is i think 37pgs long and its called "My Dwarf Checklist"


i have pictures they are just really bad..


and i have some video footage that i want to make stills of that i will post when ready


swollen from the sun burn hahaha - i dont nknow why my mommy said i got sun poisoning :(

..stomping her feet and yelling, "I want a saltwater aquarium and I want it now!" lol.gif


(Just kidding Sara. wink.gif )


HAHAHAHA :biggrin:



but as sooon as my foot is better and i clean up my room which i hope its as soon as possible i will be getting my 40 gl hex tank! whoo hoo! :clap: :bb:

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Severe sun exposure and burn can make a person ill, hence sun poisoning. Also, note that suntans are actually sunburns that don't burn. Make sure you use lots of sunscreen outside and dont lay out in the sun for a long time.

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yupyup i know


i have skin cancer in my family


ok so back to the animals


what is the basic care for the fish i want to keep and what are some good beginer corals

and what can survive under HO T-5 lights? can candy cane coral survive?




alsoo what are some goon inverts


types of snails?

sally crab?


peps and cleaner shrimp

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so this is the equiptment im looking at

im gonna have a 10gl sump- im getting all the plumbing for it with the tank-- if someone could help me set it up


and put a mini G-series ASM skimmer in there- are those good ? i have had some recomendations for them


NOVA HOT-5 with Lunar lights ( i think the system includes bulbs)


Nova Extreme HO T5 Aquarium Lighting Fixtures


Multiple bulb space-saving design makes the Nova Extreme an amazing total aquarium lighting package for your reef aquarium: second only to the sun itself! Utilizing extraordinarily powerful High Output T5 lamps to run a bulb for every situation, including a 460nm actinic blue lamp, 10,000K ultra full-spectrum daylight lamps, and spectacular Moon White lunar lamps to mimic gentle moonlight, this package truly contains everything for lighting. Each lighting source runs on an independent circuit so you can easily adjust your day/night cycles. Combine this with a German parabolic reflector that increases lighting output by 99%, a low-energy consuming electronic ballast, and a fan to increase safety and efficiency, and you will not consider buying any other lighting solution for your reef!


does that come with the bulbs it was hard to tell


150wtt visitherm heater- i personally like them


whattypes of fans should i get? for this and for my seahorse tank because my seahorse tank w/ lights on is running almost 80 degrees and its suppsed to be 72/74


50lbs of sand 20 of live sand (the agra-live pink sand) 30 of normal agronite sand


- im still getting my supply list together

i think-

anything else i need? do i need a wave makeer type thing

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I just this evening picked up my Nova Extreme fixture and finished putting it over the tank about half an hour ago. My understanding is that high intensity corals can be kept with that lighjting, but I guess too it depends on how deep the water is. Nova Extreme comes with bulbs in it. It also already has fans in it. Note that there are 4 plugs for it, so you need a lot of outlets - I will now have to run a cord around the room becuase I'm already taking up a whole 6-plug surge protector.

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I just this evening picked up my Nova Extreme fixture and finished putting it over the tank about half an hour ago. My understanding is that high intensity corals can be kept with that lighjting, but I guess too it depends on how deep the water is. Nova Extreme comes with bulbs in it. It also already has fans in it. Note that there are 4 plugs for it, so you need a lot of outlets - I will now have to run a cord around the room becuase I'm already taking up a whole 6-plug surge protector.


haha ok. cant they like have all 4 switches go to the same plug? haha anyways was it easy to set up?


anyone know about the skimmer?

any other equipment? airpump?

water pumps? anything for flow?

im gonna need two power strips haha for this one tank

and start paying rent to my parents for the electricity bill...


nice about the fans but still where can i get a cheap fan? for my horses

how much did yours cost at the store? cuz i was gonna get mine online from thatpetplace for 190+shipping


BTW please anyone tell me if i need anything else- i need a mag something for the sump drive w/e

what type of water pump can/should/neeed to use---


and another BTW (by the way) i added all my equiptment list together and i am at $764 including micelanious equiptment i thought was beneficiary :)


so thats

the NOVA extreme

mini g-series asm skimmer

10gl sump



40gl tank and stand

lots of other goodies!

including my rock budget

and water pump


sorry for having such a long post like this but please anybody answer my questions!! :)

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sorry for having such a long post like this but please anybody answer my questions!! :)



you're posts are fine.... that's why we are here, to get, share, give info, feedback, suggestions, etc


This is an incredibly expensive hobby - I'm glad your parents are helping you out with being able to do it.

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you're posts are fine.... that's why we are here, to get, share, give info, feedback, suggestions, etc


This is an incredibly expensive hobby - I'm glad your parents are helping you out with being able to do it.




helping me out by allowing me to pay for it :) haha

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it's to supplement the water if the water needs it. You can supplement the water without a reactor, but I think its a matter of keeping from having fluctuations in params, whereas measuring out a teaspoon or drops of something causes too much of a sudden fluctuation for delicate creatures.

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For fans walmart has $6 mini fans that crank out quite a bit for their size. to give you an idea 2 of them cooled my 46 gal tank by 5 degrees when my temp jumped up to 84 :/ Great value at $12. I'm sure they could cool off any fixture you decide to buy if you rig them the right way.

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are kalk reactors or kalk w/e necesary for keeping corals?

There are several strategies for maintaining Ca and alkalinity, and adding kalkwasser is one of them. The first step is getting the tank set up and stable, and then you can step back and consider different ways of supplementing calcium and carbonate. Two part additives are fine if you have the time and energy to add them routinely. Kalkwasser is cheaper, and you can add it in your makeup water. Personally, I like calcium/CO2 reactors because they can be left alone for long periods of time.
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thank you for the response :)


and where do i find this stuff--- the supplement- unless its the whole reactor thing because i know where to find that


at the zoo we have like 6 2 or 3gl deer park water jugs with a spout for kalk that we just pour in the coral tanks- but there is prolly some nice high end equiptment there


For fans walmart has $6 mini fans that crank out quite a bit for their size. to give you an idea 2 of them cooled my 46 gal tank by 5 degrees when my temp jumped up to 84 :/ Great value at $12. I'm sure they could cool off any fixture you decide to buy if you rig them the right way.


i have personal issues with walmart haha

i have actually never been inside one :)

but i might have to or look around some more- haha

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Bedbathnbeyond & target also have a decent selection of fans


As for supplementation, there are 2 sayings in this hobby that I heard/read when I first started but only later realized the truth of:


1) Nothing good happens fast in a reef aquarium. (you seem to already have a good grasp of this one)

2) Never add anything to your tank that you don't test for.


That said, if you have calcifying organisms in your system (sps, lps, coraline algae), you will most likely have to supplement Calcium & Alkalinity. The keys are to keep them within a certain range and balanced (which is why you have to test). My personal recommendation is Kalk for a new tank and a Ca Reactor when the Kalk isn't enough. You don't necessarily need a reactor right off the bat, they just make things easier, less time intensive. I am thinking you probably have more time than money right now, so I would hold off on a reactor and investigate other ways of adding it, or you might do some research and decide to go the DIY 2-part route.


Of all of the authors who have written on this subject, the one I keep going back to again and again is Dr. Randy Holmes-Farley. If you haven't seen these yet, they ought to answer most of your questions (and have you wishing you paid more attention in Chemistry class :) ).




A comparison of various methods:



Everything you ever wanted to know and more: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...threadid=102605

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hey thanks for the information i will go read up right now



And BTW! i am taking chemistry right now- like my first day was yesterday (summer school) SO! (and im getting 100% :) and and and we have a unit test on monday AND i really like chemistry :) - science is something that i absorb )


SO THAT BEING SAID! this is pretty cool! that chemistry and biology are so closely related as i demonstrated to my friend who said she hates biology and rather know why an apple falls from a tree- which i said- and apple falls from the tree because when the appl is too ripe the plant will start to produce ethylene? i think? gas which is a hormone that makes the apple separate-


sorry that was really really really unnecessary- but i LOVE LOVE LOVE science



again thank you for the information :)

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