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Posts posted by A.ocellaris

  1. I am not a fan of big water changes because you try to fix one parameter, but end up changing everything. Did you retest the water? Take a sample to your LFS and ask them to test for nitrates to make sure your test kit is still good.


    Also, do you have test kit for phospates? You may be feeding cyano when you phospates and nitrates are not in balance (With the vinegar). Is your skimmer working properly? What about your bioload (fish)? Anyone missing?

  2. New items and pictures (Still cant figure out how to use manual focus)


    Got a new Green Maxima clam from Pacific East Aquatic and two chalices, and a montipora.
















  3. Hi,


    I know.. I know.. This is a hit or miss, but anyone had luck with getting their clown fish to an anemone? i have 3 (Bubble Tips)  in my tank and they just like the corner of the tank better.I've read about people sticking pictures, or videos, an even taking the anemone and fish into a small container to force them (which I will not do). Any other method that has worked for you?

  4. Dont add an anemone or sps until you figure out what went wrong... It's your satiny and temp stable? Be careful with what you add to your tank, I lost several fish adding  an additive to decrease nitrates and phosphates...

  5. So The automatic feeder arrived (just as a fyi, It looks like SaltwaterAquarium has its warehouse in PA, so stuff gets here very quick without paying extra for expedited shipping).

    I also bought the base so the food has time to sink. I already tried with flakes and works great! Kind of small though.


  6. I was doing weekly water changes (almost 15%), but I wanted to keep parameter very stable, so I am doing the same amount every two weeks. I do have the RedSea Foundation Supplements (Ca,Kh,Mg) that I bought since my Mg levels were around 1250 and a water change didn't increase this level much.


    The product says: 1ml will raise the Alkalinity of 100 liters (25gal) by 0.036 meq/l (0.1dKH). My tank is about 32-35G with rock/sand. I am not sure how much dKH per day is safe when increasing Alk.



  7. So after adding a few SPS and LPS I now notice that my Alkalinity levels are dropping:


    July 10: 9.3 dKh (hanna)

    July 15: 8.7 dKH (hanna)

    July 17: 8.4 dKH (hanna)


    Whats the ideal level to keep my Alkalinity level at? When should I start dosing for Alkalinity and how much per day?



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