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Everything posted by VTBig053

  1. When you pull a clump off the rocks does it hold its form or does it turn into sloppy green goo when out the water? IME, hair algae has lost its form and turned into green goo out of the water and turn algae has held its form. This should help you identify the type of algae. It does look more like turf algae to me from the photos. The GHA in my tank is longer and more stringy looking. I’m not going to be much help with treatment because the only time I have ever had to deal with turf algae it was just one tuft that I manually removed and it never came back. You could try Vibrant. I used this to treat GHA in my tank and it worked. Just be sure to stick with the dosing for a while once its gone to make sure its really gone. You may also have a cyano outbreak once the algae begins to die off. You could try turning up your skimmer to try and combat this.
  2. I've used it for GHA and it worked well when combined with a strict routine maintenance regimen. I only have a nano size tank so I combined weekly water changes/sand vacuuming with vibrant and the GHA was cleared up in a few weeks. I did experience a significant cyano outbreak on my sand bed from all the GHA die off but 2-3 more weeks of vibrant and water changes/sand vacuuming took care of the cyano as well.
  3. Spoke to soon. Back out again here. So frustrating.
  4. Still out in Arlington? How's the livestock doing? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Power just came back on here in West Springfield. Good luck everyone that is still dealing with the outage issues.
  6. Sorry man. Thats rough. We are down to 58 here. It actually feels better outside than inside at the moment. Tanks seem to be doing well all things considered. I do have a frag of mille that probably isn't going to make it. Started TN'ing over night and its picking up then tissue loss exponentially it seems.
  7. I've accidently forgot to turn the power strip (heater, pumps, ato) back on after working on the 20L in our basement and didn't realize it till almost 24 hours later. The temp dropped to 68F in the tank before I found it. Everything survived, including a starry blenny. Not sure how common this is though. My tanks are currently at 73F and 75F. I using one of our cars as a generator essentially (it has an inverter and outlet) to run heaters and pumps on each tank for 30 mins every two hours or so.
  8. 16 hrs here. Went to sleep at midnight and woke up at 2 am to start the car to run heaters/pumps on each tank again. The house is down to 60F which is just sucking the heat from the tanks. I have each tank double wrapped in blankets/comforters/quilts.
  9. Link to the battery powered air pumps on amazon woth same day delivery? Not seeing anything other than an add on.
  10. It works! Got the heater and a powerhead running.
  11. Thanks Tom. The heater is more important at this point as I can continue to manually agitate the water for oxygen if needed.
  12. Sorry I forgot to add photos my last post. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Any danger running an extension cord from this outlet in our GC to the aquarium power strip to turn on heater and pumps for a minutes at a time? Assume I should start the car before plugging in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. My tank went from 79.5 to 77 in about two hours. Trying to slow that down. I am stirring the water regularly for the fish but don't want to do it too much because its speeding up the heat loss.
  15. Using a piece of interlocking foam flooring mat as a lid and wrapped the tank in a faux fur blanket to keep the temp up. Scooping and dumping every hour to oxygenate the water. The dominion map says they have a crew working in the next neighborhood over. Not sure of that means anything for is or not. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. And we lost power here in Springfield. Gonna start scooping and dumping to oxygenate the water. How low does the temp need to get for me to start getting worried? I am concerned the scoop and dump method will speed up the temperature decline since I'll be exposing more surface area to release heat. I suppose I could try heating some water on our gas grill and using that to change out some water if things get dire.
  17. Power went out in West Springfield at some point during the night, not sure how long, but had to reset all the clocks this morning. Tanks were fine. Still have power at the moment. Fingers crossed!
  18. Im no expert, but with the cases I've seen on other forums they generally don't make it.
  19. Polyp bail out? Usually a response to some sort of stress. Eg. too much flow or light, fluctuations in water parameters.
  20. Are you still having the microbubbles issue with the PS2 skimmer? I had this skimmer on my EVO for a few weeks also and I finally decided to remove it because of the microbubbles and it was making too much noise. Interested to see if yours settled down eventually.
  21. I have the return and a powerhead pointed at it from different angles. I'll give it a little more time but I think I am going to have to go the chisel route.
  22. The whole nem. It's not very big (3-3.5"), so directing at the foot only isn't really an option.
  23. I had considered the screw driver chisel method, but was hesitant because I was afraid I may damage the foot. Last resort I guess. I've been pummeling this sucker with flow from the return and a powerhead for about 12 hrs and it hasn't budged. Stubborn like it's owner I guess.
  24. Anyone have any tips/tricks for getting a BTA to release its foot from a crevice in the rock? I've heard of directing high flow at it, blocking the light, and placing an ice cube near the foot, but none of these methods has worked for me. Any other tricks out there? Sorry if there is already a thread on this. I didn't see anything recent though. Thanks!
  25. I never did notice any eggs on the glass, but they could have laid them anywhere. I did get one stomatella that hitchhiked on a frag. It's in my 20L frag tank at the moment but last I saw it had doubled in size. Any idea how they reproduce? I assume another one is required, hah!
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