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    Falls church

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Starfish (5/13)

  1. Everyone can bring their Free cut Frags to my house, I’ll put a cooler out front ?.
  2. Let’s invent something and make millions to feed our habit.
  3. Keep a close eye on the fertilizer as well, and never use your pod or rotifer turkey baster to do anything in phyto culture or they’ll get a nice snack on all the phyto ?. Follow fertilizer dosing very carefully, keep and eye on evaporation (salinity) and adding fresh water occasionally just like regular tank.
  4. Meant this for general discussion, reposted there, mods please close.
  5. Anybody know of anything reef safe products besides super glue and epoxy to give a little temporary hold when testing out locations of Frags or plugs, and keep them relatively in place for a short time? Thinking there must be something with a little bit of stick to it and chewing gum consistency.
  6. Anybody know of anything reef safe products besides super glue and epoxy to give a little temporary hold when testing out locations of Frags or plugs, and keep them relatively in place for a short time? Thinking there must be something with a little bit of stick to it and chewing gum consistency.
  7. My female clown died (from stress and rubbing her tail raw on rocks) after last batch of eggs but I still have all the breeding stuff going (rotifers and phyto). Does anybody have any breeding fish and not want to hatch the eggs? I’d be happy to offer up some zoas or something in trade. Got the breeding bug and no eggs. Still have a few 1 1/2 month old clowns for my troubles at least but not many ?.
  8. I read a little bit about it first, but I guess I should have asked Wamas. Does anybody know of any miracle cures to anything? Because patience and hard work are boring!
  9. So, decided I’d done all I could do on my cyano through filter changes, reduced nutrients, and general tank cleaning and got rid of lots of it but then found some chemi clean in my closet (from last tank purchase) and reviewed it and decided to use. Then Crash! Ammonia spike, likely from dead bacteria? Bristle Star first to go painfully, some birds nest, pocci, almost anything SPS, small monti, etc... euphylia probably dead. Moved worst corals to qt. Anybody used this stuff and had better luck? I followed the instructions very closely, actually only used like 2/3 recommended amount. If anywhere in their literature it said (2% chance you’ll lose half your stuff) I never would have tried it. Luckily most just getting into SPS, and most of my LPS and SPS wasn’t expensive. So far my anemones, zoas, leather, gsp, Xenia, and even a couple acro look fine. I seem to have stabilized the crash and the carbon, skimmer, filter cleaning, and water changes are doing the job, but What?
  10. Can’t compete with you all, but I did set up a Jr. meth lab to breed clownfish in my closet! I got about 15/30 to day 11 or so and have the first clown looking speck!
  11. Thanks so much, I got lots of buckets to split things up, with lids to keep fish in, and prevent any spillage in our new car. I have a dolly to help me move with minimal disassembly or physical stress on the tank, and less lugging of 5 gallon water buckets. Thanks a lot. I like the filter floss idea, I have on hand, and will add to top of media basket.
  12. Hey, upgrading and purchasing an established 34 gallon Red Sea Max from somebody online. Going to pick up and wondering if anybody has gone through this and learned anything enlightening. Luckily the guy is about 10 min from my house. I’m taking all his contents, currently just sparse rock, sand and Fish. I’m planning to leave all sand in place along with whatever amount of water I can leave in and still manage lifting it. I will also bring buckets for all his water, since 34 isn’t too unmanageable. I don’t have anywhere to rehome the fish during transition, maybe could cram them into 10 gal with other inhabitants. not even sure what I’m looking to hear, just anything that I won’t think of until it’s too late.
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