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Everything posted by YHSublime

  1. Yeah, always an option. At this stage with all the DIY I'm planning on, I might just keep my eyes peeled for a 40 gallon drilled with sump and stand deal. I've found toggle bolts that will hold in my ceiling that have a hook attached to the bolt already. My only concern would be patching up the ceiling. That shouldn't be a problem, I doubt anybody would notice some nickle sized patched holes in the ceiling when I move. Yeah, price has been an issue with the smaller carabiners. It's ludicrous whats being charged for some of those high end ones! I could always cut the cable, and crimp it around the hooks, but the rings are working fine, and will be easier to relocate should I ever plan on that.
  2. So I'm having a bit of trouble selling my 55 gallon, at least as a whole (freshwater) package, and I'm getting impatient of sitting around waiting to setup my 40 breeder. I'm planning on selling the livestock, scrubbing the 55, and setting it up exactly where it is now, mounting my new LED's above. I have a fuge that I can hang on the back, I'll be looking for a HOB Protien Skimmer, but other than that, would I need a sump? I figure it wouldnt' hurt, either way. I'll probably even keep the canister filter, scrub it out, and toss as much rubble rock as I can in there, and dose carbon.
  3. Eh, looks like this will do. Hung from my shower rod just to see how it looked: Thinking about ordering some toggle bolts with hooks already on the bolt, unless I can find them at a home depot or lowes.
  4. Funny, I was litteraly just sitting here thinking about key rings. "S" rings were suggested by a friend, but I'm wondering if I could find tiny locking carabiners?
  5. Yeah, I'm worried about running my studfinder on the speckled ceiling. Also renting, so don't want to tear anything up. For now it makes sense to just run off a hook instead of doing the hidden route. I have two that I need to mount, which is why I was thinking about using one strap on a diagnol, if that makes sense?
  6. I have these LED's I want to mount above my tank from the ceiling. I'm wondering what suggestions everybody has for getting them up. These are the only attaching points on the lights: These are what I have to mount them. I'm thinking using clips, or krimping them on opposit corners: Celing End: Here is my ceiling that I'm wondering if I should drill into, or just drill a hook in there: Thoughs or ideas?
  7. I think that's a great idea. Again, not a big fan of getting wood cut at these big hardware stores. I would have recommended a circular saw, I can't imagine what you would need a jigsaw for? Good news is, they are pretty good about returns, I'd swing it on back there way and either return it, or switch it out for something more practical.
  8. Don't think it's the blade.... And the stand looks great! How long did it take you after all is said and done?
  9. If you use the "IMG" link (last one on the list of links with the pictures through photobucket) you can put the image right in your post. Cheers!
  10. I redid my rock work. When I put together my rock and aquaspace I didn't take into account the corals I was going to be keeping, and the cleaning of the tank, or even how big things would grow and what didn't get along with others. I like it a lot, and it makes a big cave in the middle. It really showcases the tank, and my rock anemone is making it's way out from the back of the tank to the middle, slowly but surely. The toadstools don't seem to be coming out as much, but I will give them some time and see what happens. Old rock work: New rock: Crawling on out:
  11. How is it now? Looks good!
  12. I've been adding LSP to my system like nobodies business, I'm actually running out of room. I put a rack in my nano just because I wanted to think about placement, and growth as I went along. That, and when I move over to my 40, I'll mount from there. I also really want to take my rockwork into consideration, I feel like currently, I have a lot of wasted rock underneath, and a huge area that doesn't get vacuumed during my water changes. This is where I feel like my CUC should be working hard. Also, my hermits troll all over the corals like nobody's business, but I don't think they're hurting anything, just scaveging.
  13. Sorry to blow up the "new to the forum" section. I'm looking for a type of snail that can flip itself over if it ends up on it's back. I only added 5 hermits and 5 snails to my 14 gallons, is that enough for a CUC? Does anybody have so many they don't know what to do with them?
  14. Cool, big peices are what I'm looking for, depending on. Salinity was very high. Do you have a refractometer? Also, if you have livestock in there, I think you want to slowly acclimate, but it sounds like you've done it already, and things are leveling out. Water is a little warm, ideal reef temp is 79F from what I've read, but I don't believe 81 is out of the ballpark high. From what I understand, your ammonia spike could mean a second cycle, or your tank never finished cyling to start with. There's not a lot of information on your cycle, you just stated that you thought you were ready. How long have you had this tank running, and how did you start your cycle? What are you levels for high range PH, ammonia, and nitrates? Also, take everything I say with a grain of salt, I'm learning as I go along, so I don't claim to have all the right answers, just trying to help you get yours!
  15. When is the move? Will you still post with WAMAS? You're one of the few people who are following my nano and builds, I need all the help and encouragment I can get!
  16. Before you put anything else in there, get some readings on your water paramaters, salinity, and temp. Patience has been the name of the game for me. I let my tank cycle for about 1.5 months before I added anything. I'll be looking for rock in the future, have any pics?
  17. Jimlin, are you still heading out to Hawaii? What an awesome spot to start a reef tank, if that's the case, take it with you!
  18. It's weird about the DP. A lot of reefers have said it's O.K, and just as many have said absolutely not. I've only been dealing with essentially 10-12 gallons of water, so an investment in an RO/DI didn't seem logical, and all my water is bought from my LFS. I'm picking one up soon, as I'll have two tanks that will be using it, so then it wont be a problem. It's just a matter of finding room in my apartment, right now keep 10 gallons on hand in my coat closet, which has been a perfect system. It hasn't seemed to affect my LPS, but the peice of SPS I have in there just is, I'm a firm believer that's because of my lighting, as my water quality is (close to) perfect, at 2, 20% a week. Also, I'm 90% positive that my nitrates were so high with a slight spike of ammonia because of the sponge I found right before my pump. It had been soaking up filth for 3 months, and when I gravel vac'd the "sump" it was a cesspool.
  19. I don't know what you paid, but the buy/sell/trade section here is always rocking and rolling with great deals. I've found that bow front tanks run a little bit higher, but there are always deals. I've found the WAMAS forum to be a little slow moving compared to others, but much more rewarding and personal (I've meet many local reefers, all of who are willing to talk about/share the hobby, and pass advice along.) I think this is the tubing you're looking for: http://www.amazon.com/Loc-Line-inch-Ball-Socket-Flexible/sim/B001EHI1CM/2 For testing kits I use the API saltwater, and API reef kits. Like Jimlin mentioned above, a hanna checker would be nice. I also have a refractometer. It's becoming less time consuming as I move forward, but still a PIA. I've seen strips (just a dip in the water) and they are fairly reliable, although I'm not sure how pricey. I threw a pair of Percula Clowns into my 14 gallon, they are fairly tiny, and I'll move them to my new build within the next quarter of a year. I would recomend them, as they are hearty, and personable... personable of course implying that they beg for food if I stand close to the tank. Maybe a gobby or two, if you're not worried about your sandbed. I'm sure people will chime in with better advice than mine. I find that if you post in the "new to the hobby" section, people are pretty quick to help! Hows that clam doing, btw? When I get a bigger tank I might make the move on one!
  20. Nice! Looks perfect. Also interested to hear why you're moving to another tank, and what type?
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