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Everything posted by bcoop78

  1. Hello everyone! I'm still in the game... My newborn son Daniel was born March 15th, and I've of course been really swamped... My tank suffered from serious neglect a couple months back, and one morning I woke up to cloudy water, bad smell, and sick corals. I learned that my skimmer pump had died, so I performed several water changes, bought a Reef Octopus Diablo Extreme 250, and added a pellet reactor. Algae has all but fully subsided, but I still can't find my RBTA... I think it died and my tank survived the crash. I have added a variety of LPS and SPS since, and dialed my Radion way back because I was running it way too high intensity and bleaching my corals... Things are good and I'm really enjoying the colors in my tank now.
  2. Hey guys... I have been super BUSY!!! The Trigger died a week after I got it... Nothing else has passed. I have since gotten a Royal Gramma and a Lawnmower Blenny. Everything is thriving!!! I added some GFO, and still battle algae a bit, but all in all my tank is doing very well.. I never polished out the scratches and decided to just live with them. I hope that soon I will have more free time for my tank, but we are getting married this weekend, I'm finishing a project at work, I'm remodeling our kitchen, we have a baby on the way.... Fish tank? What fish tank??? LOL
  3. Does this work for other types of algae, or just bryopsis?
  4. As always, awesome info! Thanks guys!
  5. is it Ill-advised to run both in the same reactor? I have an MR-5 running solely carbon currently, and would hate to have to buy another when it still has so much room left. Thanks!
  6. Got my first signs of new Coraline algae growth on the back glass today...
  7. I was very fortunate this time in that our power was only out for 36 hours... My tank is in the basement so it stayed cool, and I purchased a battery powered pump to keep things aerated. My tank actually came out looking better afterwards due to some much-needed algae die-off. I will not however, allow my good fortune to bar me from lessons learned, and am looking to buy a generator. Can anyone recommend a specific model that is good both in terms of affordability and reliability? Thanks!
  8. Makes sense.. I did not check their water. I drip acclimated for an hour though... My SG is kept at 1.025. I guess next time. Will check the bag water.. Is there a formula for determining acclimation time based on deviation of SG?
  9. Well I woke up this morning to find my Niger Trigger stuck to my MP 40. I'd had him a week. He was hiding a lot, but always came out to eat. My clowns, corals, and inverts are all doing fine.. The trigger had no visible signs of disease.. I'm pretty bummed.. Any ideas?
  10. I just ordered the CUC you showed me from ReefCleaners. I will cut back on feeding and increase the volume of my water changes. I simply cannot do more than one change per week... Thanks all for your help..:-)
  11. 5 cerith snails 10 nassarius snails 3 turbo snails 5 margarita snails 10 tiny blue-leg hermits
  12. I worry that my fish don't get enough food. How can I determine whether or not I am starving them? I know the trigger needs a good amount of food, and I feed him from the turkey baster in an effort to only give him as much as he will consume. Once a week is frequent enough?
  13. Thanks for your help! The total system volume is 90 gallons. The display has about 80lbs of live rock and 40 lbs of live sand, and the sump has 20 lbs live sand and 10 lbs live rock. Nutrient export is via a Vertex IN-180 skimmer and an Avast MR-5 reactor running carbon (1 cup) which is changed monthly. I feed once daily alternating between pellets and frozen spirulina brine shrimp. I feed the anemone once a week a piece of thawed raw fish.
  14. Thanks guys... My tank is not empty however... Here is my stock list: 2 occ clowns. (1) 1" and (1) 2" 1 Niger Trigger 4" including tail Lobo coral Zoas 2 favia Hammer Frogspawn Ricordea Purple monti cap Green Birdsnest RBTA CUC Here are my Parameters following last nights WC: Alk 7.56dKh Salinity 1.025 Calcium >600 Nitrate 0.5ppm Temp 77.8 PH 7.84 Phosphate .02ppm Full tank shot to show algae: Thanks again!
  15. As many of you probably know, I am about 3 months into my latest tank. I have quite a few algae species growing away in my tank... On top of that, the Chaeto in my sump is shrinking rather than growing... The diatoms came and went, followed by green algae, and now a bit of cyano. I know that this is all part of a tank maturing, and I've been doing small weekly water changes. Should I be concerned? Should I implement a GFO reactor? Wait it out? What is recommended? Everything in my tank seems to be doing well. I am about to test parameters and will post shortly. Thanks!
  16. Well the Niger is still hiding a lot, but he come out at feeding time... He bites the end of the turkey baster and tries to pull it from my hand!! This guy is awesome!! Here is another pic:
  17. I had to sneak up and take this shot hastily.... Sorry for the bad quality!
  18. true! But the little booger is hiding too much! He peeks out to see who I am, but I think he's scared of my clowns!!
  19. Picked up a baby (3 inch) Niger Trigger and a pink/green hammer today! Yes I know, I've got about a year tips on the Niger, but by then I'll need an excuse to upgrade tank size! Pics to follow ASAP!
  20. Everything is going well... Diatoms are gone and now green/red turf-like algae grows on the sand. Anemone, corals, inverts and fish are all happy. Here is A FTS from today- I have yet to find permanent homes for the corals, so everyone is on the bottom except the RBTA.
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