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Everything posted by armymedic

  1. do you consider roozens a reputable LFS?
  2. thats why i would really like to get them from a member here. some of the stores like PETCO are in it for volume not so much reputation.
  3. lol. jeez guys i wasn't slamming all LFS's, but if you head down to the PETCO i was at last night and they had a dead fish in with the rest and was not concerned, i get a bit worried about the lacadaisacal attitude of some of them......
  4. How do i get a list of who raises the clown fish here so i can get a couple from them?? i would much rather buy from someone that is reputable versus a LFS. thx.
  5. Tank seems to be cycling well. Been over a month now. Water test is within normal limits. thinkig of putting in a couple of fish to get the process moving along. I have read different types of hardy fish, but was thinking a couple of small percula's? I know i would like to have those later on and really hate to put in a couple of damels that i would not want later. Is this do able at this point?? Im being told by the LFS that you can. Just wanted a second opinion. LFS will tell you what you want to hear versus what you should hear! thx
  6. Well i have to say these "graduated chips" they put in here to read can be a bit difficult to those of us that are not use to reading this stuff. Well based on my numbers i have thus far : ammonia = somewhere between .0 to .2. closer to .0 on the chip, very little green color in the vial. nitrites = .2 on the chip nitrates = 10 on the chip all 3 were in their lowest range for testing purposes. How do those numbers fair at a 4 week cycling process?? thanks.
  7. Greetings All, My tank has been cycling for a little over a month now and i would like to do my first water test to see where it's at. I have the Instant Ocean "Ocean Master" test kit i just picked up. From what i have read (in my book!) I should be testing for ammonia, nitrates and nitrites at this point. It appears that i need them to all be negligible?
  8. Hey brandon, I am not sure where your located but if you ever need RO water, i have a 7 stage RO/DI unit (google it) and can make around 100 gallons a day if needed. That pretty much goes for anyone who needs it.
  9. well i tried to get to him but couldnt using various techniques....now i cant see him at all. should i take out ALL of the live rock to get to him?? or is it that big of a deal? thx again.
  10. yep..things could be alot worse. So my OBI-Wan jedi reefmaster collegues...what is my next step?? Check parameters obviously, then add another or continue to let self cycle? i guess let me get the numbers first and i will get back with you so you can impart some of that great knowledge! your faithul padawan sheesh its been a long week..beer first then check water!
  11. Yes i left the bag in the water for about an hour...then cut a hole to let the water mix together over a period of about 30 minutes. He looked fine for the first 5 days....it was something sudden. Just not sure what.
  12. yes he is dead. I think i can see him im just not sure i can get to him. I will try the turkey baster and try to suction him up. I dont have anythign else in the tank like snails or crabs or other fish so i guess i just had bad luck. thanks again.
  13. Well I took the advice of some and went ahead and put a black and white damsel in the tank over the weekend and he was doing fine all week until yesterday he stopped eating. Now i cant find him. I am assuming hes under all the liverock/baserock. Should i move all the rock to find him? the temperature of the tank has been 78-80 and the salinity has been 1.023-1.024. Not sure what could have killed a damsel. I thought they were one of the hardier fish?? well thx for your input in advance. If i find him and he's dead should i take him out?
  14. Great work on the pics karah. Looking forward to seeing those pics of the corals when you get them in!
  15. Congratulations Karah! Send some pics soon. Even started pics would be good to see for us beginners too!
  16. Thank you all for your information and support. I am sure i am just "watching the water boil". Every little bit of information does help. And for your information zygoteck that is why it is called a HOBBY and not a proffession. Just in case you got lost this post is under the NEW TO THE HOBBY area. If I wanted to understand all the "thermonuclear" dynamics of the hobby, i would have majored in that in college. Old saying, if you dont have anything nice to say then...... For everyone else...have a nice day!
  17. Now i remember why i gave it up before.... 1. Two weeks ago i put water, salt waited 4 hours for circulation to make sure all the salt was dissolved. Salinity was and still is 1.023-024 2. Then i added base rock, and then added Live sand. I picked up some "live rubble rock" that the guys from Roozens told me to put in the back of the tank. I then added some pure ammonia, enough to bring it up to about 3-4 PPM. This was all in the first 2 days. 3. I went to Roozens on day 4 and picked up and very healthy 7lb live rock which i put in the tank, he also gave me some of their "filter media" with that has all sorts of bacteria in it. I put 2 very large pieces in the media basket. Jos also gave me some TLC and told me to pour about 1/4 of the bottle into the tank. I am assuming its some form of bacteria generator. 4. On day 7 i put another 10lb live rock in the tank that was very healthy with purple all over it. Both pieces of live rock are starting to wither away. I just tested the water for ammonia, and nitrates. it appears that there is less than 10 PPM nitrates in the water and somewhere around 0- 0.2 ammonia in the water. it cant be this hard!! I must be doing something wrong. I know its only been two weeks but i figured between all the "live" crap i put into it, it would at least appear to be further along then what it is... Any advice other than empty it and send it back to the manufacturer??? Supposedly there is about 14k ways to do this but i would just prefer one, simple way. Thank you for your help! Ill be at the bar if you need me.....
  18. good point. i have been running my lights for a couple hours a day just in case it would help at all.
  19. karah, Welcome to the group session! you will find a number of folks on here that are rocket scientists in this field and are willing to help out. As far as the brown stuff you have does it look anything like this? this is what i have on my tank right now. and i am at day 6~ My link
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