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About ryanls5

  • Birthday 11/27/1973

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    Reef tanks, guitars, beer and family...not necessarily in that order

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Pod (2/13)

  1. Hello Matt, if it were me I would add the DSB to the sump with new sand and seed it..but I don't know what you already have cooking there. How long have you had your tank set up? Do you have a sump? Any livestock? Sorry if you have already posted elsewhere with what you got just trying to help you out. I am pretty sure you can add a DSB to your sump and then seed it without much of a cycle if you add it to your sump/refugium, but I could be wrong but that would be my course of action. I wouldn't add it to the display as IMHO it could make nitrate gas bombs and leech out...could be wrong there too but I'll let these guys chime in
  2. Nice aquascaping! and kudos on the patience before adding fish! looks like you are on the right track nice start good luck!
  3. Like the stocking list you had as planned
  4. Great looking tank, like the pillar look and mixed reef great job!
  5. A temp fluctuation as insignificant as a little more than a degree is actually awesome, wish I could have kept temps that constant-you can check the accuracy with a body temp guage if you are uncertain about the new eqiupment
  6. Kudos for having that coral! I would do the same thing a few times over if I had todays flavor of the week!!! I personally haven't gotten into the chalice craze...yet...
  7. I tend to believe that chromis tend to be anenome bait, as I had 2 of 5 mysteriously disappear! I suggest heniochous<-- not sure if thats spelled right but they swim together and are beautiful fish, also ususally readily available at BRK. No aquarium fish actually school though sadly, but my thoughts are the anthias and heniochous are the best looking pseudo schooling fish. my .02
  8. I say go for it, you are already looking to go bigger and as stated above the tank will be more stable, but obviously more cost, greater results may also be in that mix! My next tank will hopefully be in the 8'x30"x24". Length, depth with a managable height. Depth is easier to manage with a little shallower tank at least for those of us without freakishly long arms ;-)
  9. I had maroons with a dragon wrasse, yellow tang, PBT, emperor angel and a watchman goby-the goby stayed away and the rest held their own but the female maroon assaulted anything that came with her "area" anenome. How big are the clowns? Do they have an anenome or other LPS/toadstool or whatever to host in? As territorial as they are, they will always defend their area but it helps if you have fish that roam around the whole tank like tangs or angels.
  10. Thanks for the replies guys! The spectrum answer really kind of my made up my mind, I will probably go with 400 watt MH with Lumenbrites and T5 supps with LED moonlights, seems the best way for now! Paul I will get in touch with you about that DIY! Thanks again!
  11. No takers? Any thoughts on SPS sustainability if I were to pull the trigger on one of these "newfangled contraptions"?
  12. Jason's right, do all those and the light output from your night lights is inconsequential, won't impact anything
  13. Hey guys, I'd like to get your feedback on LED fixtures vs mixed lighting either DIY or 24 hr fixtures like the Belize Sun or Geisemann fixture. I did a search on LED's on the search function and nothing came up, I am not trying to spark a debate just looking for some insight! MH is tried and true but for me having only used T5's and LED's for moonlight, it's a bit overwhelming all the different kelvin ratings, chillers...seems more complicated than slapping an AquaIllumination fixture up and having the best of both worlds. Meaning no chiller, no fear of burning down the house on a retro fixture I would make(trust me we might all be safer if I don't build something like that lol) low lighting costs ignoring the initial of course, plus the shimmer and night lights! What do you think?
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