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Everything posted by LCDRDATA

  1. That's a thought, and I haven't completely ruled it out. However, it's probably five feet long, and if it ends up taking a couple of days keeping the right conditions (temperature & temperature gradient, humidity, etc.) for the snake in a rubbermaid could be problematic.
  2. I'm wondering if there's anyone in the Springfield area that might have a tank I could borrow for a short time (I'm guessing probably a week, with a range of three days to two weeks). A standard 55 gallon would be perfect. As this no doubt appears to be an odd request, here's the background ... A couple of days ago, my wife got a phone call from a friend whose sister needed to divest herself of a large milk snake. My son wanted it very much, and so they said they could bring it over on the 26th (last night). She said there was a stand that came with it and that it was in a standard 55 gallon aquarium tank. Well, when it got here, it turns out it's a standard 90, not 55. So the thought is, move the livestock and rock from my 55 FOWLR into something else, put the snake in the 55, and upgrade to a 90 FOWLR. It's a win-win! The trouble is, I'm not sure if I have anywhere I can put the contents of the current FOWLR while I clean out their tank and make sure the snake's tank will hold water. Assuming it does, then we need to do some additional rearranging (the 90 won't fit in the space the FOWLR currently occupies), which might take a couple of days, then re-aquascape and fill the new, 90 FOWLR. In a perfect world, I'd drill it as well, but I don't think time and resources will permit that. If the 90 doesn't hold water, then unless it's an easily-fixed sealant issue, everything needs to go back where it started. At any rate, it would be unwise to start playing "musical tanks" until I know I can house things while I determine the 90's status, which brings me back to my original question. It's also possible I'll still find something in the garage that can hold either the FOWLR's current contents or the snake, but a cursory examination didn't show anything. So, any takers? Any thoughts/similar experience? THANKS!
  3. Are there any local vendors that routinely stock these?
  4. Here's a previous thread with discussion on the little guys; I'm still trying to decide.
  5. Your mailbox is full (or at least isn't accepting new messages).
  6. "You do not have permission to view this image" - apparently there's still an issue.
  7. Here's a shot of one of the frags of this stuff I've sold in the past:
  8. No, it's more like GSP, only not green.
  9. I have an encrusting gorgonian that looks a lot like that. The bad news is, if it's the same as I have, it's liable to eventually crowd out those zoas.
  10. I only saw it in passing - at that point I didn't have time to linger and discuss. But it doesn't surprise me. I suspect if there were a way to "clean" the sensor without replacing the disk they could go longer, although a year would have to be really pushing it. I can understand people being skeptical, but having the background to understand the technological approach, I'm only skeptical as to the ability to make room for it in my budget.
  11. I was at the presentation and talked to them afterwards. The physical chemistry aspects of the technology look to be able to do what they're wanting it to, and it seems they're being careful about not overpromising what they can actually do and being transparent about what they can't (i.e., magnesium and phosphorus). I wish I could get the data locally without going to "the cloud," but then I'm a luddite who still doesn't have a smart phone . At least the data will be easily exportable. I also suspect that folks will try - likely with reasonable success - to stretch the life on the disks to six weeks or so. Admittedly the accuracy will drop ("your mileage may vary"), but for folks with tanks that are already pretty stable that may not be critical.
  12. Ditto to all the compliments, awesome job at MACNA. Are you going to list/post somewhere the after-MACNA equipment and livestock - including the fish? It won't be easy, but for the right fish I'll wait .
  13. In addition, Mindstream is currently scheduled at MACNA for Workshop #6 (2:45-3:30) on Saturday.
  14. I haven't had that combination, but I do have a large snowflake moray. The bad news is, he has been known, on occasion, to eat a mandarin-sized fish. The good news is, with one possible exception, he's only eaten fish that tried to bully him. Specifically, a couple of dwarf angels/butterflies who decided it was a good idea to swim up and start smacking him in the face with their tail -- repeatedly. After several days of this aggressive behavior, one day they were gone. From this admittedly limited data set, I think you should be OK if your mandarin doesn't tend toward the suicidal, and particularly if you get a small eel that will be accustomed to the mandarin as it grows.
  15. Well ... shoot. Did it limit its depredations to gorgonians, or was it an equal-opportunity polyp muncher?
  16. I thought I'd resurrect this thread for an update - how are things going with the ORA filefish?

    Green Milli Mom

    From the album: Frag Pics

    "Mother" green millipora frag

    © James N. Dart


    Alien Eyes

    From the album: Frag Pics

    Medium & large alien eye chalice frags

    © James N. Dart

  19. From the album: Frag Pics

    Heliopora and Purple Nurple frags

    © James N. Dart


    Heliopora etc.

    From the album: Frag Pics

    Heliopora frags for SWAP

    © James N. Dart

  21. From the album: Frag Pics

    Various frags on my frag rack

    © James N. Dart

  22. From the album: Frag Pics

    Medium Alien Eye Chalice
  23. From the album: Frag Pics

    Broken branch tips of green millipora for SWAP

    © James N. Dart


    Green Milli Bits

    From the album: Frag Pics

    Broken branch tips of green millipora for SWAP

    © James N. Dart

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