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Everything posted by Sharkey18

  1. hmmmm.... yeah i took it on my iPhone. any way to imbed it from photo bucket? I tried but kept getting a ?. http://vid955.photobucket.com/albums/ae40/sharkey1818/IMG_0762_zpsii1nvbnz.mp4
  2. Did some tank cleaning today and found this crazy thing. I can't figure out how to imbed the video.... IMG_0762.MOV
  3. Awesome. Thanks for starting this thread Tricia.
  4. Thanks for the explanations Tony, it really helps. I have removed increasing amount of rock over the past year. I would say I now have a moderate amount of rock, and a lot of negative space. I also just spent last Sunday with a hammer and chisel removing all of the plating and encrusting corals in my tank. They grow too fast and cause too many wars with the colored sticks I am trying to focus on.
  5. C'mon, that tank is awesome. Might not be everyone perfect tank, but it's still impressive. And holy bioload. Did you see all that food he put in?
  6. Awesome, thanks. I have a lot of thinking to do.....
  7. Any tips for aquascaping a deep dimension tank. I have a deep 250 and I have never felt like my aqauscaping takes advantage of the depth.
  8. So it looks like i'll be re-aquascaping this weekend.......
  9. Thanks! And I think you are right about the sand dollar monti. I have a few more unknowns I might send to you.
  10. So how do you decide where to place sps frags in an sps dominated tank? My sps is finally doing well and taking off and I am in the process of adding a lot of new frags. How do i know where to place them? How close together in order to develop into a super sweet sps tank like Marina's? Specifically, I have a lot of encrusting corals, that seem to take up a lot of real estate and limit the space I can use for branching corals, and I am considering removing some / all of them to create rock space. Any advice is appreciated. Here is an example.... a tiny little branching frag in a field of encrusting coral. Sorry the color is bad.
  11. Holy crow, a $10,000 skimmer.... what size tank is it rated for? Or is it the water change eliminator?
  12. I had interceptor. Doses, waited 2 weeks doses again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I recently had red bugs and treated my entire system. I lost a few shrimp and it wiped out my pod population, but other than that everything did well. Good luck.
  14. I want a school of ventralis and a copper band who eats frozen!
  15. I have 2 mandarins and 2 wrasse in my 250g and I NEVER see pods.
  16. So I dosed my zoa tank with furan-2. I did 2 doses 2 days apart. Results: 1) Ammonia was not a problem. Managed with water changes and live rock from other tank. 2) Fish did not improve. Many still have redness at the base of the tail, however neither have they gotten worse. No lesions, fin rot etc. 3) My zoas all bleached after about 2 weeks. So I need suggestions on what, if anything to treat these fish with and is there anything I can dose to help my zoas regain their color. This all happened about a month ago, so the color is coming back, just wondering if there is anything I can do to help them along.
  17. The mass has gotten much much larger. So large in fact that I was able to pull a little piece off and examine it closely. Diagnosis: lymphocytosis I'm releasing him from quarantine and putting him back in his tank to be with his girlfriend.
  18. No they don't, but neither does my skimmer or my MP40's. Everything needs maintenance, and for the price, well these might need a little more frequent maintenance.
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