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Everything posted by newfish

  1. newfish

    New Live Rock

    From the album: My First 30 Gallon

    New Live Rock thanks to Troy. Still need a lil bit more. But it is looking great
  2. newfish

    Yellow Clown Goby

    From the album: My First 30 Gallon

    First Test Fish And it survived !!!
  3. NEW ADDITION TO THE TANK!!!!!!! ARNT THEY ADDORABLE :P Waiting To Be released Just released
  4. I have someone that is offering me a T12 VHO setup using Icecap 660 with wiring assembly, 3 - 24" actinic/daylight 75W VHO and reflector. Would this work or is this too much. I am not sure how much is wanted for it but any ideas on a decent price. Thanks
  5. Here are some new pics with some additional LR. Thanks again Troy. I am almost set on LR :P Kinda but it is looking great. Still looking for Lights but everything is coming together nicely. Enjoy the pics. Still open to any suggestions anyone. Thanks all for your help. Josh
  6. Ok, So I did a trade for a Tank setup mainly so that I could get the Canister filter out of the deal. With the setup I got 2 Lights. One looks like a normal florescent T-8. The other I cant really tell what it is. All it says on the bulb is Marine-Glo 15W. But it is really bright blue. Could this possibly be an actinic bulb. Here are some pictures of it. If so would this and the other light that I have work for corals. Thanks for the help. Josh
  7. Here are more pics with some new rock. Thanks Troy. In the first picture there is some algae growth on my filter intake. Is this okay algae and if not what can I get to get rid of it. Thanks everyone for your help. I will keep all posted on the progress.
  8. Looking on aquatraders.com do you guys think that this light would be sufficient for most beginners corals and anemones. http://www.aquatraders.com/index.asp?PageA...&ProdID=309 I couldnt find any metal halide lights on there but what do you think?
  9. I am trying to prepare my "budget plan" for what I want to get for my 30 Gallon. I would like to get some easy beginner corals and an anemone to hopefully host my future clowns. Any suggestions on coral/anemone types would be helpfult too but now the big question. Keeping in mind a low budget what type of light fixture/lighting would you recommend for some easier beginner corals/anemone. I need a 24" long fixture. Any suggestions on what to get and/or where would be greatful. If anyone has one that they would be interested in selling please let me know and we can arrange for the eventual purchase. Thanks for the help
  10. Has anyone had trouble ordering online from Mrcoral.com. I am in reston so it would be a quick delivery. Anyone have shipping problems or not recommend over going to LFS.
  11. Here are some pics of my tanks so far. I only have a pound and a half of liverock, a yellow clown gobi, and just got a couple of Nassarius Snails, Blue leg hermits and a couple of turbo snails. I will keep you guys posted.
  12. Hello all, I have a Canon Powershot S3 that I would like to use to take some pictures of my tank and the progress that I have made. You guys take such wonderful pictures so I thought that I would ask if anyone has any experience with the S3 and if they can offer any tips for good photos. Also I noticed that when trying to post pictures to the forum there is a 60K size limit. Will this change when I become a member or is there a secret to posting pictures on here. Thanks everyone again for all the help
  13. I really like your tank, I am working on a 30 gallon as my first tank and hopefully it looks similar to yours. Very nice
  14. Well I was looking at the pictures and I really like dtfleming's pics of the 29 Gallon Bow front. I think that I am going to just stick with my 30 Gallon and fix it up similar to theirs. Thanks for the advice everyone.
  15. I am in the Reston area but I can travel just about anywhere in the D.C. Area as well. Thanks for the advice.
  16. The current water that I have in my 30 Gallon is tap mixed with Salt. I guess it would be best to start a discussion about the best type of water then? I am not sure what the other types are or best way to do this is. what is RO/DI.I assume that it is the water that you can get from the Fish Store. Can I mix my current water with this to maintain some of the good bacterias that I have developed in the 30 Thanks so much for the help
  17. As far as transfering my current fish and things over, what do you guys recommend. Should I put the water that is in the 30 Gallon in the 55 or just start fresh. I am just trying to figure out whether or not I want to make the trade. Thanks
  18. I am not sure yet... The person I may be getting it from said that the person that had it before him used it for saltwater and he used it for fresh.One light is blue and one is white It is the kind of tank with the split in the middle and separate lights on each side. I dont think that he really knows the difference. When I find out I will let you guys no before I make a deal. Its a trade deal for a guitar that I have. Thanks again
  19. Just a quick question. Are bigger tanks considered EASIER than smaller tanks. I have the opportunity to get a 55 Gallon aquarium with Fluval 305 and lights. 1. Would you guys recommend smaller for beginners or a larger aquarium. 2. How hard would it be to put what I have in my 30 Gallon into the 55 Gallon. Thanks
  20. WOW, Thanks everyone for the great advice. I will just take my time and gradually get what I need. With the lighting, I do realize that I will have to do a major upgrade before any corals. As far as the Skimmer, I have a Visi-Jet PS. I realize now that this was probably not a very good purchase because it is not working like it should(I dont think). It is really hard to adjust so if anyone has any tips or experience with these please let me know. Thanks again.
  21. I have a 30 Gallon Tall Aquarium. Protein Skimmer and Fluval 205 Canister Filter. Heater Nothing special for lighting yet. I have a typical florescent light hood with what I think is a 15W T8 aquarium bulb, so any suggestions or help there would be great. I have Caribsea Sand. Salt(ofcourse) Only a pound and a half of liverock and a yellow clown gobi. And that is it. I have had the gobi for about a week and he is doing great. He seems much happier now that the liverock is in there(what little bit there is). I really want to get some corals going so I know that I will need to change my lighting situation. but the first thing is the live rock. I REALLY NEED TO GET SOME MORE. I would really like to have a couple of clowns. That is really all that I will for sure be getting other than that I am open to suggestions. I plan on joining the club as soon as I get some money. Any help with anything would be great.
  22. Thanks for the advice everyone. As soon as I get the $$$ I will definatly become a member. I look forward to getting more involved and meeting others that love this hobby. Thanks again
  23. Hi, I have a 30 gallon fish tank that I have gotten all setup for saltwater. I have everything ready and have all of my water tested and even have a Yellow Clown Gobi in the tank. Unfortunatly I do not really have the money right now to go by all of the live rock and corals that I need. I know that this is an expensive hobby but just currently things are tight. I have put posts on Craigslist and they all tell me to come here. I was wondering if anyone can help me get my initial setup going. I have a pound and a half of Figi liverock that I got for my gobi to hide in for now. If anyone can help anyway please let me know. I am in the Reston area and can drive pretty much anywhere in the DC Area. Please let me know if you have any questions about my set up. I can send pictures if interested. Thanks For all the help
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