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Everything posted by bcjm

  1. Thanks Michael. I ordered the book yesterday. Should be here in a day or two. I used the BBR on day 7 for the first batch. I saw some fry tried to eat them numerious times with no luck. BBR is just too big for their mouths on day 7. One did managed to eat a few on day 9 but dead the next day. Percula fry seems to be the easiest so far. I had no luck with banggai so far. I can't even keep the adults alive for some reasons. Anyone got a pair to sell? Bob
  2. I am raising the fry from Scott. He is trying to get his rotifers culture going first. The first batch failed completely. I started with about 100 fry. The first 5 days seem OK. More dead between day 6-10. All died after the 10th day. These Dottybacks take longer time to metamorphose than clownfish. I think they are not big enough to eat BBR until day 13-15. So the food quality is really a problem. I am working on the second batch. Today is day 3. Hopefully I will have better luck this time. I have successfully raised Tomato, percula and gold stripe maroon so far. Bob
  3. Does anyone see this book for sale locally?
  4. Alberto, How big is the crack and where are the holes drilled? Bob
  5. 1/8HP divided by 746 = 93.25 Watt. So it is correct then that this 1/8 HP pump uses 90Watt like the factory said. Why does it say 2 AMP on the pump? Maybe it is the starting AMP or the AMP under the max. pressure.
  6. Can you calculate these unit from one to another? I am interested getting an air pump. The spec on the pump says 1/8 HP, 2 AMP. The manufacture's site says it only consumes 90W. I am just very surprised that a motor uses 2A only takes 90W.
  7. thanks for the info. I order some fish from them to be delivered this Friday. Want to see if I can put some dry goods together. Any experience using "Stop Aiptasia"?
  8. Does anyone use these test stripts? Wondering how accurate they are. http://www.premiumaquatics.com/Merchan....e=Sales
  9. I see. So the ca reactor is on only when the water evaporates to a certain level like the water make-up system.
  10. I understand the difference between the two. Maybe I should be more clear. Isn't the ca reactor is acting just like a fluidized filter other than producing ca? Bacteria grows on the substrates and the tank water runs through them. Anything bad about the fluidized bed filter should apply to the ca reactor also. About the PH, doesn't the ca reactor water lower the PH in the tank? It seems that we are lowering the tank PH and adding a nitrate factory (fluidized bed filter) by using the reactor.
  11. 1. How does the low PH out water from the reaction chamber affect the PH in the main tank? 2. Isn't the ca reactor almost the same as a fluidized bed filter? It fluidized bed filter is a no no why it is OK to use the ca reactor?
  12. bcjm


    Got a picture for the 48" one?
  13. You can borrow my freon manifold to do it yourself but I can't help you charge/discharge.
  14. I would like to drill a hole in the collection cup of my EuroReef skimmer so I can drain the waste to a separate container. It produces a cup full every day or every other day depends on what I feed. I am a bit concern cracking the entire cup when drilling. Is there a right or wrong way to do this?
  15. I got some white flat worms before. I believe I got from someone in this forum but I am not positive. Luckily it did not infect my display tank. I had to tear down couple of my 10G tanks to get rid of them completely. We all need to watch what we put into out tank no matter the source.
  16. The kalk. paste works quite well. Thanks. There are still some small one which are hard to drop. But I killed most of the big one last night. Probabley still need some peppermint shrimps. Jeff's Exotic fish sells 5 for $9.99.
  17. Michael, What is a bulb dropper? Can you describe in detail how to mix the kalk paste and how to feed them? I injected them with kalk. solution with no success. Bob
  18. I got couple in my tank in a hard reaching place. I normally use needle to inject them with vinegar but this time they are too hard to reach. Any suggestions?
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