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Everything posted by TROLL

  1. How about that pipe cleaner solution that comes with the PVC cement? The purple solution, is it safe?
  2. Ahh ok If no one knows sign language then that's ok. I'm still not sure if I'll come by, I have to watch my daughter till wife gets home or have babysitter. If I happen to decide to come then I'll just hang around. Or maybe a very patient member with fast typing skill and laptop will be sufficent. I'll hold all of my questions till the end so that way I don't make everyone wait for my questions as I type them out. Again, still unsure about attendance- perhaps, a few frags would serve as great incentive
  3. In that in mind, what's prices on those lights at BRK? Looking for 2 of each: 80 watt HO ATI True Actinic 80 watt HO 11,000k ATi AquaBlue 80 watt HO 6000k ATI Sun
  4. I haven't sent in money order- today's Sunday, thankfully! I'm await to hear from them to finalize the order. If everything seems antsy then I'll just go to other on-line store and spend a bit more. Anyone have dealt with this store before?
  5. Very impressive worksmanship! If I had shop equipment then I might would be able to at least make things 80% near that quality. Still, very excellent work
  6. Recenetly, I've decided to go with T-5 set-up for my 120g, 5' long and was looking on internet for good deal. I came across a site that sells 80w T-5 60", Aqualux Site has best price on bulbs out of all other on-line stores. On front page, Aqualux says it's going out of business due to loss of key partner. So, if ya'all are looking for great deal- the shipping is cheap, too! Aqualux Site FYI, their credit card processing seems to be having trouble but can still order with money order/check. I've placed my order with money order.
  7. Huhh, that's a sticky issue... I've heard that Ick has many stages of life and one of them are benthic stage which larvae live in substrate. Some people say 2 weeks then they all die off if there's no fishes around. There's always the chance of ick outbreak again even with new fish, they'll be stressed and prone to disease. U.V. sterilizer and removing all fishes might be best bet for next 2 weeks. Unless others have better advice, this was what I only heard not a factual statement I have taken upon myself.
  8. I went there today after picking up group buy order from Raf. He actually went beyond and helped me by placing my order with Aquarium One. The owner was out today, I think he was picking up large marine shipment today and Anthony was left running the store. I'm very impressed with Anthony, he is excellent with customer service and easy to communicate. The store overall show the promise of improvement- it's still have a bit to go before it become well stocked store. There's plenty of livestocks and price is pretty fair unlike other LFS. One thing I would suggest for this place to improve is putting in large skimmer- I didn't see any in store and their SW tanks would need a bit to clear up. The condition of tanks aren't bad but clearing up would certainly help with eye-catching attractions. This store get 4.8 stars out of 5 from me I'll stop by more often rather than other LFS in the area, they all don't meet the pricing and needs that I'm looking for in the store.
  9. I mix in T-5 and PC. I've been getting good result and will do the same for my 120g. Maybe 4 x T-5 (2 x 10k and 2 x 20k) and 1 96 PC (actinic). Corals grew like crazy under those combination on my 50g frag tank. I have my actinic on for 2 hours then switch to main daylight for 4 hours and back to 2 hours of actinic. That way I can imitate the natural sunlight pattern. If you need reflectors- I have a lot for sale, they're same as best reflectors made by tek, icecap, and slr. Just those I have are from private company contracted to national aquariums and zoos.
  10. Cool! We're observing something rare here- a coral lovemaking
  11. That'll be a real nightmare and I doubt insurance'll cover those damage
  12. Now would be the good time to take the opportunity to create a countermeasure to be put in place in case any more incidents might arise in future. I've done quite bit of this kind work and really prevented a lot of incidents. Like Dandy said, use needlepoint mesh, you might be able to sew the whole thing with fishing line into cyclindrical shape to cover the intake port. You'll need create space in between to wide the aperature of suction area. Maybe cut off the pipe fitting that might fit into your modified port, like 1/4 inch on front and on back, the mesh glued to them then pop them on. BTW, Dave's organizing GB and yellow tang is $14. That if you're over the grieving period and decide to get other one.
  13. Nice shots!!!! Is that 3rd photo of superman monti? I've seen so many but none the same, mine doesn't even look like one. I'll love to get that color!!!!
  14. I'm organizing group buy sometime this month or next for Dr. Mac- if you want, you're invited to be part of it Here's link to my post about it. Dr. Mac Group Buy I still remember my old visi-therm protein skimmer! Nostalisgic!!!! (I still have it, hehe) Anyway, that skimmer is only rated to 60g, you'll really want it to skim a lot- not too much to the point where it start blowing up clean water into the cup. Try to work the air column into fine bubble so that way it'll actually bring up fine particle waste. I remember how it works- have to do a few fine tuning before you could get it bubbling right. It has to be like ginger ale like bubble rather than coke like bubble if you catch my drift. As for nitrates, it takes time as the bio load stablize and the system start to develop the appropiate micro-ecosystem. Usually 2-4 weeks, live rocks (well-cured) will boost the process but you can get nitritifying bacteria to assist the process, too.
  15. I've read about people using porcelian tile but not sure if they're 100% safe, they argued that it's fully cured and inert. You might want to check out RC, that's where I read about it last summer.
  16. Sounds interesting! Will there be a powerpoint presentation?
  17. Other way is to rubberband over the middle section- they'll split up easily. One method from GARF, cut them up into "pizza" pieces and wrap with bridal veiling on rocks
  18. I've seen them on on-line store last spring but I don't remember what link... Do search and maybe you'll find it. I think it's $8 per tube or something,
  19. I think this is one of my definition of "fish commit suicide" I've lost a few fish that way- small ones vs powerheads
  20. I put on my 404 this evening around 7pm and maxijet 1200 with polyfilter rubberbanded to intake port. I came in at 3am on break from work (I live only 5 mins away) the water was almost clear! It was about 50% cloudiness at first and now, about 10% cloudiness. Turboflotor starts to skim more out of water, too Thanks for great suggestion!!!!
  21. Hmmm, great idea! I might run my 404 before I sell it off
  22. To quote you: "You should frag it and see how it does in my tank!" Hehehehehe
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