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Everything posted by chideloh

  1. Happy Holidays to everybody.
  2. I think Eric wants a tank that is 48 inches high instead of long. I could be wrong but he wrote 24 x 24 x 48. That sounds like he wants a 48 inch high.
  3. Hey Eric, Are you getting out of hobby or setting up a bigger or smaller tank?
  4. Welcome back to the area. I too am from NY. I lived in Bronx, Queens, Staten Island. Tony is right. There are no good LFS around here. They are all about 30-60 minutes from here. Addition to what Tony mentioned, I would like to add to, the Roozens which is in Camp Spring and the Aquarium Center in Baltimore. I live in Adelphi which is not too far from where you are. Stop by anytime.
  5. Beautiful, Tony. Did you put up the actinics? See any difference?
  6. Ward, They say the Iwasakis lasts up to two years but I would not recommend using them over a year. I change mine (400watters) every 12 months. HTH,
  7. Ward, these are my personal opinions and observations. 1. The in Wall set ups are nice but only thing I don't like is there is no access from the front. Something to think about. I know that defeats the whole purpose of having it in the wall but still a BIG negative for me. 2. I don't see the need for three different tanks for sump. I would rather have one big one like maybe a 55 or a 75 and house the heaters and the skimmer. Sounds too cumbersome to me with all those tanks. Use two bulkheads for overflow and use the other one for the main return. 3. If you have only one sump then, you would only need one return pump. Get something like a AM3000, Iwaki70 or 100 for main return and you would have the mag 12 for the close loop. HTH
  8. Bob, You should be able to put the MHs without worrying about the temp hike. Use couple of computer fans and it should be fine. Direct the fans at the water. Best thing to do is to have them hooked up a thermostat so you don't have to worry about it. David
  9. Hi Bob, I have kept SPS, anemone, clams and ricordias under VHO lights. Only thing with VHOs, you have to change them every 6 months. andrejka is keeping ricordias, anemone and SPS under same lihgts as yours, so I don't think it's the lights unless it is more than 6 months old. Having said that, upgrade to 175 MH will be better. Just my 2 cents. HTH David
  10. I amo sorry to hear about your naso tang, Eddi. I had a similar experince with my 55 a while back and it was not fun. I lost a whole lot more. I used something called green-x. I had gotten rid of all the flatworms but then I introduced a coral with a flatworm from someone and now I have it again in my 55. However, I don't have it in my 180. Hope it stays that way. The problem with taking live stock out of the tank is that few flatworms may be hiding in rocks and crevices. Good luck. David
  11. HOORAY....... Congrats, Robie. David
  12. David, I will take them. Write me chideloh@aol.com or call me. 301-445-3054 David
  13. Yep, I have to agree with Reefmon. :(
  14. Adelphi, MD David Bemmer, if you ever make it out to Maryland I can get you some macroalgae.
  15. Michael, The article is in the link that you posted at reefs.org. David
  16. Michael and others, Did you read Carlos Vicente's article? What do you think of it? Most of us are "high tech" kind of people, especially for those of us with mostly SPS corals. Do you think what Carlos is doing possible with SPS dominant tanks? I would love to get rid of all these equipments and water cahnges and make it as simple as possible. What is a Leng Sy Ecosystem? David
  17. Give me a call Andre. 301-445-3054 I can come by tonight. David
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