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Everything posted by peacetypes

  1. Thats cheap as H-E-double-hockey-sticks, i may switch over when i get my new tank!! Robert
  2. Are crabs his only way to go on this? Robert
  3. Chris, The book ive got on hand right now Marine Atlas by Helmut Debelius and Hans A. Baensch is calling them wormfish. Fam. Microdemidae. This is what i call them as well. Aswell what about just calling them firefish? Robert
  4. IO is the best imo, but then i havent tried oceanic yet Robert
  5. I used to have some once in a while, ill tell you what i did, I got a ER! Robert
  6. I agree with Howard, they are almost impossible. I know a local member of cmas that has moved (Alberto) had a few in his 360 but thats a big tank and there is a lot to eat in there. I know ive read bad things about them in the captivity and i suggest not to get one. Cleaners are cool and get the job done, and they will also clean your hand. LOL Robert
  7. Michael, you hit the nail on the head. Im only 15 and i do make impulse purchases, but imo lion and goby is just a no no. Common sense? I dont know for sure but Bill, i see you buying and then selling all the time so slow down. One more thing, dont you think that the lion should be in a bigger tank than a 30, keep him in the 55 and put the others in the 30. You could keep your tang in the 55 though. :D Robert
  8. bill get on aim, and you cant complain to SWF.com enough though they said it wouldnt happen, i really dont think you should put a lion in anything but a agressive tank. with fish that are bigger than him. Robert
  9. Tunze osmoslolater (SP)? Robert
  10. My clown goby hopped out today somehow into the sump, and there isnt a way dor him to go down from the overflow. I had two percs that would always stayed at the top, they eventually jumped out. And i still dont know why. Robert
  11. Not a natural solution but what did it for me was adding a ER5-3 to my system Robert
  12. I guess it would be ok as long as you have plenty of food in the tank??? Robert
  13. peacetypes


    Clown, Ive got my Mag in the sump, most people i know have it in the sump as well. I have seen them on RC as "in-line" but people do say that after a few years that they've had leaks, so if possible i'd put it back in the sump, IMO they work better if kept in water, along with longer life Robert
  14. OK, ill check the new pic and see if i can help peace Robert
  15. Prolly a sponge, cant really tell for sure Sorry Robert
  16. peacetypes


    siphon, i guess you could also say suction? Robert
  17. what do they do for the tank? Robert btw that thing is massive
  18. My vibrated causing a nice hum but, i just put a sponge under it and it was silenced Robert
  19. So could this suggesting that 20k is good for growth? Robert
  20. I heard that you dont what them to get too long, if i see one i get the tongs out and get him out of the tank Robert
  21. Yeah well, ive got an extra mh laying around, ill prolly end up using that Robert
  22. Hmmmmm, i think ill keep the new prop tank in the basement LOL Robert
  23. Anyone have any maze brains? I like tham but the lfs sells them for 80 DOLLARS crazy. They are my favorite lps(i think that its a lps) anyone have a frag. by thw way Clownfish did you ever figure out what happened? Robert
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