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goby vs. lion

Guest bill33

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Guest bill33

i turned the lights on lastnight to see if the lion wanted any food, well he grabed the firefish goby right out of the rock he was sleeping in. The lion and the goby are literaly the same size. Saltwaterfish.com said that they wiudlnt do that. so....


it took him 24 hours to swallow him.




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bill get on aim, and you cant complain to SWF.com enough though they said it wouldnt happen, i really dont think you should put a lion in anything but a agressive tank.  with fish that are bigger than him.



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Guest bill33
im getting a 30gallon,from clownfish4 i was planing on putting him in there
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Not to be a **** or anything, but you really need to think your fish selections through much more slowly and with less impulse.  Really think through for a while before doing anything more with your tanks as to what you really want to accomplish.  


Why don't you try getting some input from people here before your next purchase?  I know I sure as H-E-double-hockey-sticks would have told you this would be a bad mix.  The advice here is unbiased, and you can take it or leave it, but should would have been more on track than what you were told.



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Guest bill33

my fish were out of stock so swf.com said i need a replacment, so i told them i had a 55 with these fish in it and they gave me a list with all of these fish that will be compatilbe with them. including the lion,  i think they just wanted my $$$ they said he will eat guppies and mysid and sliver sides.


thats y he is going into a 30 :D

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you hit the nail on the head. Im only 15 and i do make impulse purchases, but imo lion and goby is just a no no.  Common sense?  I dont know for sure but Bill, i see you buying and then selling all the time so slow down.  One more thing, dont you think that the lion should be in a bigger tank than a 30, keep him in the 55 and put the others in the 30.  You could keep your tang in the 55 though.





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Guest cjm033

i think the lion should be fine in the 30 since its a dwarf. swf sounds like a buncha retards that have no clue what they are talking about.and lastly firefish arent gobies there darters just so we get that straight, i dont mean to sound like a jerk but it just annoys me when people call em gobies :D.


-Chris shrk]]

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The book ive got on hand right now Marine Atlas by  Helmut Debelius and Hans A. Baensch is calling them wormfish. Fam. Microdemidae. This is what i call them as well.  Aswell what about just calling them firefish?



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Bill, I am going to support Michael and Robert on this one.


Salt water reef systems are not quite like freshwater systems.  Some key differences:


- most fresh water fish breed easily and most supply in the LFS are captive bred, not wild caught

- reefs are more like owning a dog, not a goldfish


Everytime we kill something because we are just blasting along, we are behaving as if these animals are like goldfish with a "Oh well..." reaction when they die.  Truth is, most marine fish come straight from an island environment, through a very difficult supply chain, into your tank.  When you kill one, to me, it feels like we put a fox in the rabbit house.  Someone got eaten, yet that was not the desired result.


Please consider more carefully what/how you do what you do.  WAMAS is a key resource.  This society is here to help you get it right.  All we ask, and I think I speak for most folks here, is that you keep asking questions.  Please wait a day or so for answers before you make a purchase decision.  This group is very responsive.  We take pride in that.


Please help everyone from the reefs to our local community.  Make it a priority that your animals stay alive and are in a good home.


We will ALL be proud of the society's combined result, and you will spend less money for a happy, healthy tank.



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Guest bill33
its a FOWLR, its not a reef YET, but soon will be, im planing on moving the lion to a 30gallon
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