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Fish Lifespans (please brag about your old feesh)

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 I have long tried to find accurate sources of maximum fish lifespans in captivity and numbers are all over the place and there really wasn't one central place of info. So I thought Id poll Wamas on some of the more common genus and maybe some day others can see this thread and see some personal examples of how long our pets can live all summarized in one place. Here are some estimates of the ranges from my reading and experience of how long fish can live in captivity please add your specific examples of how long yours have lived and input to my findings and estimates! 


This is all assuming they die of old age at what i am guessing is their average lifespan. I am not going into specific genus but please add any specific examples this group is rife with knowledge and experience come brag about your old fish! 


Anthias - 4-6 years? 

Angels (Big) - 10-12 years

Angels (Dwarf) - 8-10 years

Butterflies - seems like 10-15 but some public aquariums have had some over 20 years

Cardinals - 5-8 years

Clowns -  8-10 years with some going 15-20 

Damsels/Chromis - 8-12 years. Anyone got any over 15? 

Gobies - 4-6 years

Foxface and Rabbits - 8-12 years

Hawkfish - 8-10 years

Puffers - 15-20 years 

Tangs 15- 20 years

Triggers - 9-12 years

Wrasse (Fairies and smaller ones) - 5-7 years

Wrasse (larger) - 6-10 years 






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Good initiative, even if there are differences apparently within species (to say nothing of the fact that only 0.1% at most make it to adulthood in the wild).  I'll be looking forward to your final list (I can't help with direct experience, but if you'd like me to do further internet research for a few categories of fish please PM me)

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