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Mutant coral growth


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I realize this is a 1st world problem, but it is interesting, so I am sharing.


So for some reason the edge/lip of my Monti Cap has started to grow down and curl under rather than straight out. I have had this coral for about 3 years and trim it back all the time. About a month ago I switched to T5s from LEDs and now my Monti is growing down. So strange. It is growing fast and all my other corals are very happy. Happier than they were with the LED actually.





Why would it do that?

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Going out on a limb here, but I saw in the BRS videos recently how T5 lighting has a lot more diffused lighting (

) so there may be more light underneath the coral now, so it feels it can grow that direction.

But on the other hand, corals are weird.

Good point. I was thinking to myself that it was growing away from the light, but maybe it is growing toward some reflected light now.


I'm curious to see where it ends up growing in the future.

Edited by Reefer_Madness
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