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How to remove canister filter?


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I purchased an established tank back in March. It is a 36 gallon bow front. Five fish (pair of clowns, diamond goby, chromis, six line and a huge brittle star),  40 pounds of sand, 60 pounds of live rock and has a Fluval 306 canister filter (no sump). So far I have removed (not all at once, one at a time over a few months): the ceramic cylinders, black sponges, black bio-balls, and two of the 4 foam blocks. So now there are just 2 of the foam blocks in the canister (did have GFO in it for a couple months). 


Today I installed a Remora AquaC HOB skimmer. 


So my question, is it ok to remove the canister filter?

Is there anything special I should do once it is removed (increase CUC, etc...)?


Thanks in advance for any help!

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The "ceramic cylinders, black sponges, black bio-balls, and two of the 4 foam blocks" all had beneficial bacteria in them so removing them all at once would have caused a nitrate spike but because you removed them gradually and  added a skimmer you should be fine. You want to be careful not to create a sudden imbalance in the amount of beneficial, "trate eating" bacteria 

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People are often advised to ditch canister filters because they can become a detritus trap. If you cleaned the thing out every 2 or 3 days forever the canister filter would work well but draining it and cleaning it out that often would get old fast. You may wish to keep it on hand along with adsorption media to deal with a huge trate or ammonia spike.

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Thanks to both of you for your help!


Yes, I did not want to cause a mini-cycle so I took the media out a little at a time. I had been cleaning it weekly, but you are correct, it is a pain to keep clean.


I will work on removing the canister in a little bit.


The skimmer seemed to be doing its job. In 17 hours it pulled 1 quart of tea colored skimmate. But as of a few hours ago, it has stopped producing.

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Yes, I have been adjusting it to get a dry skimmate. Thanks for the suggestion. The bottom of the collection cup did not have a tight fit so I cut air line and put along two edges. That stopped the foam from leaking around the bottom of the cup.


I think it is just the time of day. The amount of skimmate produced slows down or stops around noon.

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