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High nitrates in my biocube29? Maybe not sure


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Ok here's the deal I haven't checked my water parameters in months..never had to cus I've never noticed any problems..however now my small bta did well for about 2 weeks..now all the sudden he's under the rock and barley open..my condy anemone is doing great...so I tested for nitrates with my older api test witch is almost empty..and when I did they were sky high..so I have a newer api reef master kit witch has a nitrate kit with it and when I did they were barley readable..bright yellow unlike my older test witch was orange as H-E-double hockey sticks..I run media basket with the fixens..and a fuge also..nothin in my tank is doing bad besides the small bta..not understanding what the heck is going on..maybe the older test is bad not sure till I test it with my brothers kit..can't figure y it's being the way he is and wanna try to figure it out if not ima have to take it to my brothers tank so it doesent die.. Any ideas fellows

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It might be about to expel.. when mine expelled it looked terrible, expelled, shriveled up, then was fine a couple days later.
Anemones are odd creatures. If all your params are fine, I wouldn't expect anything to be wrong.

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It'd be nice to get another reading on your water quality; perhaps take it into a store to get it tested.


Had the anemone been eating well prior to its decline?

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When in doubt, do a partial water change. You can test all you want but reading what your inhabitants are doing is exponentially more valuable. A water change will lower the negatives while enhancing the positives. Take a good water sample before the change so you can evaluate and try to come up with the root cause after the water change.

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So I have a Bio29 and I was having issue with Nitrates as well. I had removed the bio balls and replaced them with broken coral fragments in the midddle compartment. What I found out was that my fish poop and other waste material that mde it through the filters was collecting in there causing my nitrates to increase. In the end what I did was add Denitrate in a media bag and put it in the bottom of that section. I also added a bag of chemipure blue. I have been running this way for the last 3 -4 weeks and my nitrates have stabiled alot.  My water still flows through a filter pad before it hits that compartment to pick up big stuff I dont use the BioCube carbon media filters anymore.


My corals look a lot happier.


DISCLAIMER: I am no expert but I have learned through lots of trial and error. I continue to learn everyday.. I hope this helps.... LOL :cool:

Edited by Aquaknott
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What lights are you running and how old are the Bulbs?

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One thing I left out is that while I was trying to figure out the issue that was causing my high Nitrates I found that my phosphates were through the roof. Once I figured that out and did the clean out of my middle compartment things started turning around for me... I tried a ton of things trying to figure out the cause and never thought about my phosphates could be impacting my nitrates as well.

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One thing I left out is that while I was trying to figure out the issue that was causing my high Nitrates I found that my phosphates were through the roof. Once I figured that out and did the clean out of my middle compartment things started turning around for me... I tried a ton of things trying to figure out the cause and never thought about my phosphates could be impacting my nitrates as well.

One doesnt necessarily effect the other but they both have similar causes and side effects. Things are looking pretty good right now so if you can maintain what you have going on, you'll have some happy critters :)


And I was just busting your chops :)


Edit: is that a sebae on the left side? It looks pretty bleached out and could use a lot more light if so. Not sure what shape it was in upon arrival but if I'm right, you'll need to feed it. 

Edited by madweazl
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That is a BTA on the left...

I'm calling shenanigans. If it's a BTA, it's in extra rough shape in regard to light.

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I am looking at upgrading the lights that are in the hood of the Bio. It's between a puc style led retro fit or remove my hood altogether and do a hanging led with controller. Haven't decided yet.

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Update from beginning post I did..nitrates was fine..my test kit was a year old and read high so I bought a new one and used my brothers and it was perfect.. Zero nitrates..my problem I noticed was two of my hard corals were dying and so was my anemone..turns out my refractor meter was messed up and wouldent cal right..my salinity was 1.021....slowly raised it up to 28-29 on my broken meter and next day anemone looked great..and so did the hard corals..what was left of them lol..so bad test kit and bad refractor meter was my problem all alone..learned a lesson that's the good thing

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What are you using to calibrate the refractometer? 1.025-1.026 is generally the sweet spot for most but in reality everything from 1.020-1.027 can produce good results. If things are looking better at 1.028-1.029, I can only assume that your calibration is off by a fair margin. 

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Yea the refractor meter won't calibrate right..no matter what u use..I used my brothers and friends digital and that's how I fount out it was off and both tried and it wouldent calibrate so that's y I'm saying mine is 128 and really it's 125

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