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Check your mag scrappers

Curtis Scott

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I usually run a low nutrient reef tank, but I've been battling green slim algae (cyanobacteria) for over 4 weeks now and I've tried everything I could think of that has worked for me in the past.


Then I noticed it, when the wet side of one of my scrappers became detached... both of my nano mag scrapped contained completely broken up magnets and were rusting into my tank. These were the nano scrappers I had (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=20034)


Once removed them both, I started to run some extra carbon and a poly filter. Since then the green algae has really started to subside. 


I remember reading something about magnet cleaners rusting into reef tanks a long time ago when I first started out in the hobby... I have also read that increased iron levels can lead to green algae blooms. My theory is the metals (iron) in the rusty magnets were contributing to the cyanobacteria. I've had red cyanobacteria due to poor nutrient export, but haven't ever had the green colored algae. My iron test gets here today/tomorrow and I hoping by then my iron levels will have improved.


Does anyone else have any experience with this or rust in a reef tank in general?  Anything else I can do or look into to help my tank recover?

Edited by Curtis Scott
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I don't think the magnets had anything to do with it.  I have all sorts of iron in my tank and have for years.  I even add iron, sometimes nails.  I have no cyano or algae.

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rust = GFO.

I'm with Paul on this one. You have another issue. I have found rusty screws, scraper blades, razor blades, magnets, copper wire, and other similar items in tanks with no ill effects.

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Thanks guys, good to know the algae is not from the rusty magnets. Maybe just high nutrients, I guess.


I'll do a large water change and continue to run carbon, rowaphos, and poly filter. 

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I have found rusty screws, scraper blades, razor blades, magnets, copper wire, and other similar items in tanks with no ill effects.

I once found the left rear fender from a 1955 Oldsmobile in my sump.

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but sumps are for sissys.. I read that on the internet somewhere~


I once found the left rear fender from a 1955 Oldsmobile in my sump.

Edited by John Ford
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