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Brad's 65 gallon reef tank, 20 gal sump

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I have recently started manually dosing 2 part.  I am having issues keeping ALK up, something in my tank seems to suck up alk. I probably add 30 ml twice a week, calc is used more slowly.  I added an avast ATO with toms agua lifter pump - works perfect - totally pnp.  Only issue I had was a slow drip siphon, so I had to hang the ato line a few inches over the sump, so when it adds water it falls about a foot - easy fix.  I use a 10 gal as my ATO container, only have to refill it every week or week and a half or so.

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Ive been pretty lucky so far, no major issues. I think I have done well bc I went +1 on the skimmer, started with a big clean up crew from reef cleaners, and only feed 1 tsp of food, once a day (mix of frozen and pellets soaked in selcon). I feed reef roids a few times a month. Sometimes I get purple fuzzy cayno, put changing out my little bag of GFO seems to do the trick. I am seeing good growth with some sps, lps seems to grow slower, and palys grow pretty fast.  My nem split after only about 3 months, luckily they both stay right next to each other.

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Wow, top notch! Looks great. Dose more if your having alk depletion, don't forget to adjust with calc also!

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I also run my lights for a long time - 9am to 1am, but they start low - about 20% and peak at about 60% and ramp back down. I noticed my corals looked better once I automated the light schedule and added the ato. Anyone else run their lights that long or longer?

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I used to run my lights for about 9-11 hours a day, do what works for you. Glad to hear everything is growing well, the tank looks wonderful.


In regards to your issue, see Randy Holmes: Zone 4

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