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Fred and Patty's 125

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So here is our up date. After building a new stand we tried our skills at plumbing. Check out our pictures and give us your input. Waiting on one part so we can run our first water tight test. post-2633885-0-93581100-1393896719_thumb.jpg. Our stand ready for the top and bottom.

post-2633885-0-05754600-1393896773_thumb.jpg. This is completed with the tank on it.

post-2633885-0-12780400-1393896843_thumb.jpgpost-2633885-0-82254300-1393896904_thumb.jpg. We dild ball valve on the left and right down flows.


post-2633885-0-42321700-1393897066_thumb.jpg. We put a t split with a cap on the return plumbing to later add our chiller.

post-2633885-0-72827000-1393897144_thumb.jpg. Our two lines coming in will be going into filter socks. We also installed our skimmer on the outside of the sump .post-2633885-0-18253700-1393897266_thumb.jpgpost-2633885-0-79763000-1393897288_thumb.jpg

post-2633885-0-21145300-1393897624_thumb.jpg clear check valve for the return. We're using an Eheim 1262 on the return and a 9.5 mag on the skimmer. Two 100 watts heaters. Will post more pictures later after we do our test.

Thanks to all of our friends at WAMAS for pointing us in the right direction.

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Very nice! I would suggest finding some way to support that drain or return from the right hand side. It looks like it's fairly long (5' or so?) and once water starts pouring through, it will put a lot of stress on it.


Can't wait to see it wet!

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Very nice! I would suggest finding some way to support that drain or return from the right hand side. It looks like it's fairly long (5' or so?) and once water starts pouring through, it will put a lot of stress on it.


Can't wait to see it wet!

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  • 2 months later...

Looking good! You move quick, Patty! Thanks for keeping us updated!

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